Timboli: Facebook was a great idea ... in theory ... maybe.
But once you create a monster, you need to keep feeding it.
And then it gets way out of control, and those running it are likely in denial.
A shame it has become far more negative than positive now.
Still it was good to catch up with lots of old friends, while I was using it ... until it drove me away.
I cannot deny it was a grand but deeply flawed social experiment. Some good things did come from it, at least for me, and it did help some of the oppressed for a while.
What it needs is some philanthropist to decouple all the advertising and related, remove big business from the picture etc, and require accountability from everyone who uses it.
And bring back anonymity.
There used be a time where you can hide yourself on facebook so that random people can't find you.
They removed that feature.
They also got really insistent that you use your real name and picture.