Catventurer: Final Fantasy is the only setting that gets a pass when it comes to bikini armor only because the men tend to be overly sexualized and sometimes half naked as well.
If you're talking about the game Final Fantasy, then the graphics aren't fancy enough to really notice bikini armor, plus the playable classes all seem to have gender neutral artwork.
If you're talking about the entire Final Fantasy series, then there isn't really a Final Fantasy setting, as the games are different setting-wise; this becomes especially true once you get to 6 and onwards.
mqstout: Urban Empire eventually blocks your progress if you don't enact limited-liability shareholder corporations. Most games I can overlook things (like the obscenely anti-humanist theme in
Disco Elysium), or the cannibalism/humanleather options in
RimWorld (that I don't use and aren't exactly optimal), or the everything in most
4x games... But the up-close scale of Urban Empire made it really unsettling to me. I don't want to enact such a corruption-guaranteed, anti-market intervention as that. I was REALLY enjoying the game until that. I guess it was "prospective love".
It looked like I
could have continued without it, but that I would have been extremely hamstrung. So I stopped playing.
Related, but not quite the same [especially since I never loved the game]:
Democracy 3 had this asinine thing that ending cannabis prohibition caused rather marked crime increases, and even more organized crime. This is extremely counter to reality. But, hey, at least it modeled the disgusting power of the "motorist" constituency well.
Reminds me of how, in Civilization 1-3, monotheism is considered more advanced than polytheism, something that I actually do consider to be problematic. (Also, in Civilization 2, fundamentalism may be the most powerful form of government, to the point where it can be said to break game balance, and the only way to get that without monotheism is to beat the other civilizations to the Statue of Liberty wonder.)