First i wasn't referring to you specifically. Second, even some of the children and the unescorted ones at that, commit crimes, we have at least 3 major cases of underage rape (from UNDERAGE RAPISTS, TOO) and knife fighting, arson and vandalism, where i live, so their children have earned nothing other than some gullible idiots' full pockets and empty brains, or even worse, some crafty crooks' discovering ways to leech more money outta european funding for playing charity. Third, by the gods, just what is that which i quoted? What is that supposed to mean, where does this exist, from what sphere of fantasy did this term just come out of? Is it something like that "gender helicopter" or something?
Or, is it something like that USA democrat, Ayloush, who celebrates for Russian tragedy and wished double the victims in his official twitter, before?
Liberal muslim... Sorry, i don't believe in make-believe scenarios, only hard facts and bare truths. I like fairy tales, i really do, but falling asleep while listening to them might cost me my head or something; thanks, but no, thanks.
And to disclose on the matter permanently; people (most of them are men, women and children are scarce and journalists search frantically for them to photograph for set up yellow press) who don't love their own home and don't fight for it, to make it great, instead flee elsewhere, how exactly do you expect of them to honor, respect and protect their new home even as a minuscule TOKEN, which also happens to be populated (for the time being at least), by kafir people they hate (or at least their holy book commands to slay/deceive/enslave/buy/treat-like-objects/takiyah-to-death)?