Hope you get well soon.
Protective spells last 5 turns.
Disarming it was good. Otherwise one of us might step into it in the heat of battle. But maybe it can be re-armed once we are through?
Lets see if "Calming Animals" can be of use and if yes, how successful it will be.
ConsulCaesar: Someone check the clawed feet coming from the other side of the tunnel!
Siegfried the Human Paladin
BenKii: I'm on it Siegfried! My sword is ready to repel whatever beasts are coming this way. Perhaps if I see them coming down the tunnel first, I can direct Tanea's "Calm Animals" spell to hit them. If that spell fails then we'll see if cold steel works.
Sounds like a good plan.
Farewell, Origi, Battlemage Queen (servobeupstry). Quite a spectacular way to die.
Tanea, the Halfling Shaman
Suddenly all hell breaks loose. There is a flash of warm light in the main chamber and a roar followed by a mighty crash. When I look, the Dwarf, who was heading our way, enters the tunnel and I see a gigantic centipede in the main chamber. Before I can react to that, there are awful noises above us. I look up and see Origi floating? near the ceiling before she is grabbed by two creatures and torn in half. I'm horrified. How did she even get up there? I only get a glimpse at more of those nightmares descending down on us and getting stopped somehow from actually reaching us, before my attention is drawn to a new sound. Claws from somewhere ahead of us, coming our way. Lavish Hills, where are you? A gigantic centipede behind us, nightmares above us and who knows what infront of us.
Roosevelt moves to confront the nightmares. I step up to where Roosevelt was before in the second row as BenKii goes up front using his amulet to see in the dark and take a look at whatever is heading our way. If they are animals, he will tell us and I will try and calm them. If that fails ... I grip my staff tight, while my gaze drifts to the two Drows and two Half-Orcs. They wanted a fight, they have it. Even without the claws, there are still the nightmares, maybe even the centipede, once it's finished with those who didn't make it out of the main chamber. And I will do whatever little I can, too.
Tanea, the Halfling Shaman
58 - FlockeSchnee - Tanea - Halfling Shaman
Tanea holds her spell "Calm Animals" ready for BenKiis instructions. She also holds her staff ready. If I get this right:
BenKii, Shins and the Stone Elemental are in the first row towards where the claws come from (from deeper in the tunnel). I'm now in the row behind them.
I have no idea from where the nightmares are attacking, since they come from above. So I'm not sure, where exactly Roosevelt (and Loradan and everyone) is in regards to position.
Edit: Wow, writing this took really long.