(Looks like everyone has taken their turn so unless someone wants to update their actions, this should be the final update for the current turn.)
Current Actions Summary:
40 - Pouyou-pouyou - Gilius - Dwarven Druid
I order my stone elemental to go back, charge and smash the nightmares to help Peloquin to reach us.
Meanwhile, I'm waiting for the others to go forward to follow them.
45 - phaolo - Loradan - Elven Mage
"Good job Tanea, that was impressive!" Loradan said triumphantly to the halfling shaman.
"Now people, let's move ahead in case these animals will decide to snap out of their trance."
"And someone kindly check our path for traps, please."
13 - paladin181 - Roosevelt - Human Paladin
74 - runnerex - Yeenwi - Drow Necromancer
Yeenwi orders the Nightmare under his control to attack the second Nightmare that is attacking Peloquin. then quietly starts moving down the tunnel in order to go past the group of confused rats, while at the same time taking care not to be too close to the others going the same way to avoid them having the -2 negative effect. While doing that, he says to Fish and Roy Jenks: "Stick close to me, guys, if you want to maximize our chances of survival."
57 - ConsulCaesar - Siegfried - Human Paladin
I will wait until the result of this spell (Yeenwi's Control Undead), then if any Nightmares are still attacking us, cast Turn Undead and attack with my silver sword. If there are not a danger anymore, then I will run with the others.
68 - Peloquin - Dwarven Thief
1. I recoil from both Nightmares, keeping an eye on the one determined to attack me. If there's a shadow nearby that I can conceal myself with, then I do exactly that.
2.I swap my Light Hammer for my Shortbow. Will my enchanted arrows work on these two Nightmares and paralyze them?
3.from the cover of the shadows, I shoot the first arrow at the Nightmare not under the Drow's influence. And if I miss, I shoot a second.
67 - Testor0 - Rufus - Human Cleric
Rufus places himself for avoiding any partner.
He launches his Silver Light-Hammer on Fire toward the end of the dark tunnel, budgeoning any creature that would be there. He looks accurately the way and retrieves the returning weapon.
25 - BenKii - BenKii - Human Warrior
I stand next to and follow Shins A'Hoy protecting him from any dangers he may face.
58 - FlockeSchnee - Tanea - Halfling Shaman
As for now:
I stay with Shins and BenKii, determined to use my staff and reflexes on anything and anyone that might attack us.
After Rufus threw his hammer, I send the rats a little ways back up the tunnel (the direction they came from) so they stay away from the trap and the centipede and their actions then may at least warn us, if something else is coming our way from up there.
38 - ZyloxDragon - Roy Jenks - Half-Orc Battemage
As far as these leftover nightmares... if one's on the ceiling decide to attack, I'll cast a Web at them. Otherwise, I'll if the dwarf is still having issues with the 2 nightmares, I'll throw a web at the one that looks the least hurt.
63 - Genocide2099 - Fish - Half Orc Berserker
Fine. I'll stick with the drow necromancer for now. I don't trust any drow or anyone who controls the dead. Any sign of a double-cross, I'll bite your head off and keep it is a reminder not to trust your kind.
4 - sasuke12 - Strigon - Drow Necromancer
Strigon realized that his close presence was hurting Siegfried the human paladin, so Strigon decides to follow Yeenwi - Drow Necromancer down the tunnel.
Unless, Siegfried says that he wants Strigon to stay behind him as a back up, the Drow Necromancer will follow closely others down the tunnel.
76 - Lemon_Curry - Shins A'Hoy - Halfling Thief
If I reset the trap, I can let people in the group know where it is, and our Lord and Saviour will automatically assume they have avoided the trap (I hope that goes for the unholy mountain as well).
In that case I'll reset it now and then continue my search for traps further down the tunnel – unless I'm attacked, that is, in which case I'll defend myself as best I can.