(FYI, that 3rd Hag that got away looks to be coming for us in the Western Tunnel. You all should be safe from her for now.)
Current Actions Summary
70 - Lifthrasil - Thras - Dwarven Mage -- DEAD
(can possibly be revived) (Taz still attached)
9 - MaxFulvus - Max, son of Fulvus - Dwarven Thief -- DEAD
(can possibly be revived)
I feel my soul floating above my remaining body, my ancestors call me from a distant eon. No, Noooo !
This is not the end, I refuse ! I want to fight, to detect traps, I reclaim revenge ! Resurrect me, adventurers !
29 - gogtrial34987 - Og'rialt - Dwarf Brigand -- ( Magic Shield )
Og'rialt swiftly steps away from the poison cloud and the werewolf. If his health has noticeably deteriorated from the poison gas, and he doesn't get healing from another source, he quaffs a healing potion. Then he makes his way over to Kyp's body (avoiding the swirling blades if necessary), and - mindful of the sensibilities of others - and in lieu of closing Kyp's eyes in his missing head, crosses Kyp's arms over his chest. He stands a moment with his head bowed. "Your last action was to heal me. Sadly, I cannot return the favour, but allow me to take up your axe, fellow dwarf, and use it to see honor done in your name. If I can use it to strike a blow at the hag which so rudely ended your life, I will not refrain from doing so." He then respectfully takes up 'Orckin's Bane'. Noticing Kyp's normal bow, he'll take that one as well, as long as it won't cause him to be encumbered. (Ranged weapons are turning out to be more useful in this dungeon that initially expected!) Afterward, he locates the flabby hag which Morte took down at the beginning of the fight, and methodically loots her corpse, using his brigand experience to keep his nausea in check ("no worse than crispy Ogre corpses, this" he keeps telling himself), carefully looking for jewelry, and examining any bags for hidden pockets where she might keep special trinkets.
If after this there are still corpses left unlooted that he can safely reach, he'll swiftly loot them as well. Having done so, he looks around to everyone organizing themselves, and informs them that he has reason to believe that the mirror Cicatrix has stolen could be the key to getting out of this dungeon, and asks for as many adventurers as possible to join him in hot pursuit, hopefully in a formation as was practiced in the side tunnel, with a warrior and thief in front to detect traps and be ready to attack any enemies that show up, and a practiced set of maneuvers to allow effective ranged attacks without endangering those up front.
15 - Lone_Scout - Says Beldarion - Human Warrior -- ( Magic Shield )
1.Beldarion steps beside Triock Ulagolor, while protecting others from the werewolf. In the case the cure disease spell doesn't work, Waihyra will provide a "sharper" cure to Roark.
2. If Triock's spell works and he doesn't have to kill Roark, Beldarion will look for an exit, while keeping at a safe distance from any possibly crazed revenant (Taz is a sure source of trouble and Max could turn into a werewolf, too)
28 - triock - Triock Ulagolor - Elven Paladin
Triock Ulagolor, Elven Paladin, casts "Cure Disease" on Roark, Elven Druid, while keeping safe distance from him and goes to the tall Hag to cut off her ringed hand and thus taking the ring.
5 - Sulibor - Dunward - Human Mage -- ( Magic Shield )
Dunward orders summoned monster to follow and protect him. He approaches the place where he noticed the light and tries to find the source of it. If he fails to notice anything out of ordinary he will cast "detect secret". If the warewolf attacks him he will use his wand of silver darts, but he hopes he will not need to.
59 - Lemmus - Cicatrix - Drow Ranger
Cicatrix bounds up the stairs as quickly as is safe, abandoning stealth for speed, although she does try to be conscious of the possibility of traps. These crazy dungeons always seem to have traps.
Cicatrix figures that the mess behind her will take some time to resolve and those adventurer types always seem to loot everything before moving on, but she wants to have as much distance as possible between herself and them just in case.
Aware of the possibility of pursuit, she focuses as much attention as she has left on her hearing, both forwards and backwards. So far no one has attacked her directly, but this is unlikely to last.
2 - bler144 - SmartyFartBlart - Human Paladin -- ( Reflect Spells, Protective Bubble )
1.Agreed. Someone with a sharpie needs to get in and remove the finger/ring before we assume she's toast.
I'll keep on the charm offensive and try to distract/calm/sooth the werewolf (shield at the ready) while the cure disease plays through.
Though it wouldn't hurt for the caster to PM doc to confirm it's viable here. Presumably it would be since it's still the underlying issue.
I think I still have 1 heal spell and 1 pot assuming we get around to reviving/regrouping here soon. but it seems like everyone wounded is also kinda deadish?
Edit - also, presuming the ring isn't cursed in some fashion we could pass it around whilst out of combat and save heal spells/pots for mid-combat.
2.Right. Well considering the wolf might act (and perhaps not under control) before the cure disease spell goes off, I'm inclined to still guard/calm as before.
That said, if the wolf runs off or is cured, I'll look around for some paper that can be folded into a nice origami fan, which I'll wave to try to dissipate the lingering cloud away from the group.
What? No paper, you say? Perhaps a Blanket of Comfort +3 could do the trick.
52 - RedFireGaming - Roark - Elven Druid -- WEREWOLF CURSED
"All these Adventurers look delicious." "No!" Roark screams, clutching his head. "I can't stay here," "I'll kill them all."
Desperate to avoid hurting anyone else on his side, Roark rushes to the side of the room away from the adventurers. (If I have the layout right, the back of the room doesn't have any adventurers, they are at the entrance, in the center, or at the right side of the room, although Triock might still be at the left side if he hasn't moved)
And while I'm at it...
Roark hears a voice dimly through the fog. Is it Eranear's? He stops running, confused. "Maybe they're trying to help me." he thinks. "You saw what happened to Thras. They're out for blood, and they don't care who gets hurt along the way."
80 - Green_Hilltop - Eranear - Elf Paladin -- ( Protection Against Evil, Reflect Spells, Bless )
So I don't haul the body anywhere, I just start taking the magic ring and checking her body right away if Roark is cured and doesn't need healing. Otherwise I heal Roark first, getting away from him in case he's too close so he doesn't interrupt me, shield raised. Then I offer the ring to pass around to heal the wounded, if it's not cursed or evil.
2.Edit2: Before putting the ring on anyone, I check whether it's cursed or evil, if it is, I warn everyone about it and don't use it. If it's not, I ask Dunward if he can ascertain whether it has charges or can be used infinitely, and then pass around the ring to those who need healing, if needed.
35 - jonridan - Aslain Melemir - Elven Thief
"Make up your minds already... I'll just go loot some orcs. Let me know if something needs opening, deactivating, or an arrow to the head".
This is assuming the out of control werewolf has left, otherwise I remain in defensive position until is cured and then I loot.
"Og'rialt, Kip, Beldarion, I think we should hurry in getting our loot so that we can continue after the Drow and that damn hag. Remember, she still has an eye out for some of us, and I rather be on the right side of the sword. She made a fool of me enough times already but now she's hurt. Do you have any advice on that weird book, Og'rialt?"
The hag is likely going the same way the drow since she went through the same door...
"After resurrecting, looting, getting the wolf under control and deciding if you want that lunatic 'shoulder-head' around you, is everyone else coming with us?
22 - 01kipper - Kip - Halfling Brigand
Kip considers shooting at the Tall Hag with his magical sling, but who knows if poison clouds are flammable so he holds off doing so. He stands alert for any new threats, ready to attack if anything tries to ambush us.
If he sees the werewolf (Roark) heading towards his direction, he will swiftly move out of the way!
69 - alexandros050 - Rudy - Human Ranger
I will banish my bear and then shoot arrows towards the tall hag from a good distance if she is not dead. I will wait to see if the cure disease spell will work on the werewolf. If not then I will have to shoot him. Can't risk anything. Also I will start looting anything I can from the dead orcs or hags.
13 - paladin181 - Roosevelt - Human Paladin -- ( Protection Against Evil )
Post edited November 13, 2019 by BenKii