Yes, we get to fight!
What formation are we in, by the way?
I assumed DD (the Dwarven Dream Team) are mostly in the position they mentioned in the main thread, so there's about 3+3 or so around the doors where Max is checking them and I'm next to the left door. So there are about four of us at least near the zombies and skeletons (and wraiths, potentially).
Svartalf, Thulgrun, Babargh and others, can you please confirm where you're standing if you didn't press on ahead, so we can get ready for the inevitable fight?
Doc, do you have a layout in your head who's were and closest to what? Where is Max right now?
Since the wraiths are out, how close are they to me and the folks next to the right door with zombies? Could you try describing who's where? Did Cervello move back, as in back from the door in my direction (on a map to the left), or rather "north", (on a map down), so he's more far away from the trapdoor? How's in my "row" right now, if this was drawn on a grid map?
In either case, I probably try to fall back one row (still having my sword and shield drawn), so that I'm in line with the other fighters who should be there (so I can't be flanked, or have only the front and one side exposed), ready to face whatever comes with my silver lined sword, so that I'm not swarmed by both the wraiths and incoming force from the door. If something approaches, I attack it. In case the only people in my "row" are Cervello and Aslan.
Is there still time for us to move to block the door (as in, be in front of it, so whoever comes out is attacked by us, and by standing in the door, they are blocking the path for the other skeletons), and only let one enemy pass through it at a time? Or perhaps the Gnoll could do that? If yes, I try to help with that. However not being swarmed by wraiths takes priority, so I position myself so that I'm not being attacked on two or more sides at once.
I have my shield ready and I move away from the Wraiths so that I can't be attacked by both the Wraiths and zombies at the same time, falling in line with the other fighters who should be in the row behind me (Svartalf and others should be right there) so that I'm not flanked, and attack the incoming horde with my silver-lined sword that's effective against Undead. If it's possible to block or slow down how many skeletons come through the door, while not being exposed to the Wraiths (being on the other side of the door), I move next to the other adventurersand the Gnoll and try to help with that, so that I don't have more than the front and potentially a side exposed - attacking one and blocking the other with my shield. And in either case, I try to keep distance from Cervello, so that I'm not affected by the -2 penalty.
I yell, "Block the door so only one can come through it at a time! If anyone has Turn Undead, feel free to use it now!"
Post edited September 26, 2019 by Green_Hilltop