Current Situation:
In the large archway (The Beholder Boss Fight):
Cicatrix, Says Beldarion, and Kip escaped through the portal. Roosevelt died in battle against the Beholder. Thras (and Taz) moved up the right side of the room while invisible. Og'rialt uses his mirror on the Beholder killing it in one hit. The Beholder is dead. Only threat remaining is Taz attached to Thras hiding invisible on the right side of the room. The portal lies just at the end of the room.
Current Actions Summary
69 - alexandros050 - Rudy - Human Ranger -- DEAD
(Felled by "Death Ray". Body intact. Can possibly be revived.)
13 - paladin181 - Roosevelt - Human Paladin -- DEAD -- ( Protection Against Evil, Reflect Spells )
(Died from his injuries. Can Possibly be revived.)
35 - jonridan - Aslain Melemir - Elven Thief -- SLEEPING
80 - Green_Hilltop - Eranear - Elf Paladin -- ( Protection Against Evil, Reflect Spells, Bless )
I move carefully back the left side of the room, sheathe my weapons, pick up Rudy and ask Max if he could trapcheck the way while I (and anyone else who wants to) investigate if there's anything interesting besides the portal in the room after laying Rudy down next to the portal. Treasure (surely the Beholder most have something in this room, his lair should be nearby or there is another reason for him being here), secrets, something in the hallway?
Can someone pick up Roosevelt and carry him to the portal so I can resurrect him after we're done here, unless I can't carry both at once?
28 - triock - Triock Ulagolor - Elven Paladin -- ( Healing Ring )
With nothing else to do, Triock Ulagolor, Elven Paladin, releases a deep discontented sigh and looks at the petrified Beholder. "Too bad I couldn't kill this monstrosity." He takes sleeping Aslain on his back: "It's time to go, sleepy boy!" and enters with him trough portal.
5 - Sulibor - Dunward - Human Mage -- ( Levitate, Magic Shield )
"I have already cast this spell and detected nothing, my friend, but I can cast it again on the other side of the hall. As I am levitating I will try to pick up the brave paladin Roosevelt and we should safely hover above the floor to the portal."
Dunward will try to pick up the Roosevelt. If he is still able to levitate encumbered by the body, he will hover with it above the floor as quickly as possible in direction of the portal, following the steps of other adventurers. He hopes that traps here are pressure based but, although he is not a thief, he will try to detect any abnormalities in the walls or floor that could indicate trap.
If he reaches the portal in this turn he will not enter it yet.
I will also take time and consider other actions that could be taken.
2 - bler144 - SmartyFartBlart - Human Paladin -- ( Reflect Spells, Protective Bubble )
Well, with the beholder down I'll continue towards the portal., following the path others have taken to stay clear of traps.
43 - idbeholdME - Svartalf - Dwarven Battlemage -- ( Protection Against Evil, Reflect Spells)
As all my spells are expended, I will just continue my way behind the pillars on the left side of the room towards the portal, keeping an eye out for anything interesting along the way others could have missed during combat. I do not enter it just yet, making sure that nobody is left behind and taking one last look around the room.
70 - Lifthrasil - Thras - Dwarven Mage -- TAZ AWAKE BLIND -- ( Invisible )
1. I fire all my remaining spells at the beholder. As lightning bolts, if I can do so without endangering my fellow adventurers, or as acid arrows, if the field isn't clear and more precision is needed.
Then I jump through the portal.
2. @mod: correction! I don't fire my spells, but I just go through the portal.
29 - gogtrial34987 - Og'rialt - Dwarf Brigand -- ( Magic Shield )
1.Og'rialt grins in satisfaction at a job well done, his pleasure only slightly diminished as the other adventurers start filing past toward the portal without a word of thanks.
2. When he spots Aslain being carried by Triock, fast asleep, he has flashbacks to Kyp, whose axe he unfortunately never got to use for its intended purpose. He tries slapping Aslain a bit to wake him up, so he can leave the premise on his own powers - or, ideally - help Og'rialt with maybe detecting and dismantling some final traps.
3.If he doesn't manage to wake up Aslain, then when he spots Max, he asks him to help instead.
4.This done, Og'rialt moves away from the center of the hall where he knows all the traps exist, and tosses one of the hag's eyeballs into the air. If it zooms off to the center of the hall, he moves to one of the nearby corners of the hall, and tosses an eyeball in the air there. If it again zooms off to the center of the hall, he repeats the procedure at the other corner. (The fourth eyeball he keeps with him; a memento, which might just come in handy in the future of the outside world.)
As soon as one of the eyeballs zooms off somewhere other than the center of the hall, he follows it. If he reaches parts of the hall that haven't been examined for traps, and he has neither Aslain nor Max with him for trap detecting support, he whips his spiked chain onto the ground far ahead of him as he walks along, hoping that its force will trigger anything nasty.
If all three eyeballs zoom off to the center of the hall, then with the final one he follows, very carefully, still using the chain to make certain the path is clear. As his greatest desire at this point is to find a safe path to treasure where he won't die by a trap, he also keep a close eye on where his finger bone is pointing. If he reaches the eyeball(s), he'll put them back in his pouch, and take whatever treasure has been revealed, hopefully after any traps have been disabled by his trusty Thief sidekick (who'll share in the treasure once it's been determined what the treasure actually consists of; Og'rialt also mentally assigns some of the contents of the never-emptying pots of gold - which his imagination conjures in vivid detail - to Dunward, whose Magic Shields have certainly saved his life once already, and are giving him the confidence to try finding treasure at this point).
If Og'rialt's Magic Shield disappears due to damage, he'll stop and take stock of his position. Otherwise he pushes on, steered by Dwarven greed and Brigand experience that the greater the foe, the greater the treasure.
9 - MaxFulvus - Max, son of Fulvus - Dwarven Thief
About myself, I consider the portal is safe to go through. I remain prudent but I quickly move towards it, then before to enter, I turn back and give a last advice to the other adventurers : "Carry Roosevelt, Rudy and Aslain and bring them beyond the portal. Roosevelt and Rudy can be resurrected and Aslain awaken after we entering the portal. Too bad that some of our fellows where left behind, but it's their choice (I have a thought for Babargh who was a good guy !). Hurry up, I feel something here, full of rage and hate, wishing our destruction ! See you later !".
Then I enter in the portal, hoping to find a safe place to take some rest, even if I will never forget the horrors hidden in the dark corners of the Earth.
41 - zlaywal - Zayd ibn Yasin - Human Ranger
Zayd had enough of this dungeon. He pick the safest way to the portal and enters it. Give me any sandy desert than this forsaken place.
Haven't taken turn yet:
48 - babark - Babargh - Dwarven Cleric -- ( Globe of Protection )
72 - park_84 - Darrim - Dwarf Warrior
78 - CervelloYM - Cervello - Drow Battlemage
Post edited December 09, 2019 by BenKii