bjgamer: A hearty Yo-Ho and Congrats to the Northern tunnel teams! A fair few of ye be bilgewater barnacles at sailing (and droppin' rock anchors thru me shipdeck ... looking at ye there, matey Gillius) but fine hands to the swashbuckling when it comes down to it. Ye ever want to join me crew - just take a swig of Old Nick's rum! :p
I... I... I'm innocent !!!
Gravity was just not on my side at the time !
Actually it was just a test to measure the strength of the ship, just to be sure it could withstand the shock with the ice ahead.
bjgamer: Kudos and Thank you, Doc!! This was an amazing and very entertaining dungeon game, especially considering the amount of work and detail keeping that had to go into keeping track of interweaving multiple tunnels and 80 players. I have to admit that was definitely the most fun the wife and I have ever had being someone's minions. P-) The patchwork zombies were especially funny as one of the wife's hobbies is patchwork quilting. LOL ... and yes, you nailed it, 'Admiral Polly' is often the organizer and keeper of 'treasure' and lists behind the scenes. (However, for the record me hearties, Admiral Polly prefers spiced tea and Scottish bisquits to rum and crackers!)
Thanks again, Doc! We just hope you had even half as much fun as you definitely gave everyone else (participating or reading)! :D
Ha ha ha ! So YOU were the powerful evil behind this deadly penguin ! And you killed one or two of us, you undead treacherous terror ! Well, you also helped us a lot, so...
And greetings to your wife !
... and to the parrot !
Give a cracker to the first and some greetings to the second on my behalf ! (or the opposite, maybe)
A big big big thank you to our host Doc0075 ! That was one hell of a giveaway. I hope it wasn't too difficult to manage as we were very numerous, and too expansive for his wallet as well. It was real fun, although some were very unlucky very early.
bjgamer: No, it wasn't actually me/us playing - it was entirely Doc's creative DM mastermind! We knew RL would make it impossible to play even though we really would have liked to, so I jokingly posted in the sign-up thread that if any of you ran into a pirate penguin you'd know I/we were there in spirit and gave Doc full reign to use such a character as his minion if he wanted. I didn't know he was going to really do it, or how he came to throw in patchwork zombies and 'Admiral Polly'. Like everyone we looked forward to seeing what was going to happen next. :)
Ahhh, what a disappointment ! I thought you and your wife were pulling all the strings. Oh well, that was very nice with Doc doing all of it himself anyway. I thought you were secretly mongering on some secret discord channel with Doc., debating on how you would torture and kill any of us !
And now, time to read what happened in the other tunnels...