Sorry, mate.
First and foremost I take all the blame. It's plainly obvious what brought you here. Even though I had no direct part in pissing you off; I facilitated it.
Secondly, part of the frustration should be towards to person who wouldn't lock my thread yesterday, and to the other people who never seem to be online to deal with it. If it was locked when I wanted it locked, the last 200+ posts wouldn't exist.
And finally I put a miniscule amount of blame on everyone who read my plea to report the thread as spam to get it removed, but likely ignored it.
Anyways, what's done is done. I'm not looking for any discussion, as I just wanted to tell you how it is from my perspective. You'll be fine in no time, and the only ones who will remember this are the two mentioned on the OP. It's quite a bit more difficult for me to recover in the public eye from this so yeah, enjoy TinyMetroid XD