Breja: Enjoy *bad* movies. Marvel's movies are vastly overrated, especialy their output after the first Avengers movies has been mostly just terrible. So when people keep praising it to high heavens... yeah, it annoys me. I care about movies, I love cinema, so seeing such bland and often outright bad movies put on a pedestal hurts me a little. And I like some of their movies. Which is maybe why it annoys me even more, because it looks like it doesn't really matter if they make a good movie or a bad one. The result seems to be exactly the same. People seem to react to the Marvel logo like mindless automatons.
Gilozard: Most people don't see many movies, so things that interest them aren't going to interest a person who makes a hobby of watching movies. It's not worth getting upset about.
Well, it's sort of the price to pay for having such a hobby, and the joys it brings you, that you experience so much more strongly than the casual audience. You can't only experience the positive. Or at least I can't :D I can only try to contain myself, like did a few minutes ago when stopped myself from writing a reply to Rampancy about his comparison of GotG and BvS :)
Also, there is at least one "legitimate" reason to get upset about it, a least sometimes. The success of a crappy movie can influence other movies, and while I could just ignore Guardians of the Galaxy being crap, the fact that the studio wants the new Star Trek movie to be more like it- now that's hard to ignore when you love Trek. It's why I cheer for the movies I like to do well in the Box Office. The movie is what it is regardless of how much it makes, but I want another Mad Max, I want a solo Affleck Batman movie (at least that I'm getting) and don't want to see good actors wasting their time on Transformers.
Gilozard: Also - the camera in Winter Soldier was pretty interesting. They didn't push the envelope a lot but they did do some new stuff, and the choreography was great.
True, the fights were some of the best in the MCU. Batman's scenes in BvS though are probably now the best fight scenes of the superhero genre.
Gilozard: Eh. I prefer the middle ground - less ridiculous than GotG, but more coherent and fun than BvS. Winter Soldier was pretty balanced.
I like BvS best of those, but that's not really about the tone. I don't even prefer any "tone" in general, although I like it when a movie isn't afraid of being serious and moody. What I really hate about GotG isn't just that it's ridiculous, but that it's so inconsistant about it. Every time it tries to have an emotional moment, it immediately has to break the mood with a bad joke, as if it's afraid of loosing tha audience by being serious for five minutes. That kills all the tention, my investment in the characters, everything.
Deadpool, for example, manages to keep the same tone all the time, even when having emotianl moments. There is never this awkward moment of abruptly changing gears. And BvS- some poeple may not like how serious it is, but that does not mean it fails to be funny. It just doesn't try to be funny. Some people may not like it, but theres a difference between that, and the movie not being good. For example for me The Road was just to depressing to watch, but I don't think it makes it a bad movie. I in fact think it's a testament to it's success at being what it was supposed to be.