Posted August 21, 2015

Optimum rat
Registered: May 2010
From Finland

Woodie Guthrie's Guitar!
Registered: Dec 2011
From United Kingdom

"Vell, Zaphod's just zis guy, you know?"
Registered: Jun 2013
From United Kingdom
Posted August 21, 2015

But my larger problem is a lack of time, as I have a lot of other stuff that is higher priority before I could really start devoting time to something like that regularly.
Anyway, as this thread shows, there's no real need for me to get better at the art side of things when there are so many talented artists out there. And some day I'll be in a position to pay someone to help me realise my ideas :)

Registered: Feb 2010
From Finland
Posted August 21, 2015

But my larger problem is a lack of time, as I have a lot of other stuff that is higher priority before I could really start devoting time to something like that regularly.
Anyway, as this thread shows, there's no real need for me to get better at the art side of things when there are so many talented artists out there. And some day I'll be in a position to pay someone to help me realise my ideas :)

Woodie Guthrie's Guitar!
Registered: Dec 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted August 21, 2015
Like KneeTheCap said
But also, theres no reason you cannot produce whatever you can and pass it onto an actual concept artist if you really want to get a vision rendered out somewhat before beginning other work on it.
Edit: forgot to mention. Not being in a position to pay does not reduce your ability to work with such an artist - you can always offer a % of ownership of the final game, or maybe seek a final year student in need of a good project.
But also, theres no reason you cannot produce whatever you can and pass it onto an actual concept artist if you really want to get a vision rendered out somewhat before beginning other work on it.
Edit: forgot to mention. Not being in a position to pay does not reduce your ability to work with such an artist - you can always offer a % of ownership of the final game, or maybe seek a final year student in need of a good project.
Post edited August 21, 2015 by Sachys

"Vell, Zaphod's just zis guy, you know?"
Registered: Jun 2013
From United Kingdom
Posted August 21, 2015

True. I do try my hand at drawing now and again, but it's mostly maps these days (as they, while still difficult, are somewhat easier for me than people or buildings). I've been working on various ideas in my head for years, and I'm fully prepared for it to take many more years to get any where near the light of day.

Registered: Apr 2012
From United States

Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted August 21, 2015
Not in my case. I have no musical ear, and as for drawing & co. I simply can't. Even in school if I had to draw a straight line it came out curvy and if It was supposed to be curved then it came out straight-ish.

Logged in!
Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted August 21, 2015
If this weren't the internet, I'd say you'll always be your harshest critic. I used to draw stick figure comics everyday in school, then started copying (not tracing but reference like you say) DBZ stuff a lot. I slowly started picking up the way to draw jawlines and eyebrows in that anime style, and got pretty decent.
After school I hadn't drawn at all for a long time, eventually felt like trying again but I have a problem with having no ideas to draw. I made an art request thread on the forum I was always on and really enjoyed taking suggestions and just seeing what I could do. As an amateur, my advice is to draw a little at least everyday if you can manage it. Even just sketching will teach you things as you keep doing it. Hardest stuff for me was shading, I never really got the hang of that for some reason.
Anyway, here's a couple things I drew, a few of the drawings I'm actually proud of! :D
(All by hand, I can't use the mouse because I'm left-handed and have no tablet)
The reduntant <i>Vegeta son of Vegeta</i>
<i>Super Meat Boy vs. Mega Tofu Man!</i>
Fit together way too easily; PoquoteMon
Yeah, I think having fun with it is the easiest way to get better, but you also have to find the style that fits you and you're comfortable with.
After school I hadn't drawn at all for a long time, eventually felt like trying again but I have a problem with having no ideas to draw. I made an art request thread on the forum I was always on and really enjoyed taking suggestions and just seeing what I could do. As an amateur, my advice is to draw a little at least everyday if you can manage it. Even just sketching will teach you things as you keep doing it. Hardest stuff for me was shading, I never really got the hang of that for some reason.
Anyway, here's a couple things I drew, a few of the drawings I'm actually proud of! :D
(All by hand, I can't use the mouse because I'm left-handed and have no tablet)
The reduntant <i>Vegeta son of Vegeta</i>
<i>Super Meat Boy vs. Mega Tofu Man!</i>
Fit together way too easily; PoquoteMon
Yeah, I think having fun with it is the easiest way to get better, but you also have to find the style that fits you and you're comfortable with.
Post edited August 21, 2015 by whatsnottaken

Sharp tongue, rapier wit, cutting sense of humor
Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted August 21, 2015

Fun fact: my spellchecker thinks "gazillion" is an actual word. Huh.

maskless bandit
Registered: Nov 2013
From Switzerland
Posted August 21, 2015

I always drew by myself in kindergarten whenever possible and didn't let any grownups get into my way. At home, I drew a lot with my brother. One of my report cards from kindergarten said "little awalterj likes to draw many skeletons and ghosts and monsters. Interaction with other kids and gross motor skills are improving" - looking back, I find that amusing. Fortunately, no one tried to stop me and they would have failed if they had tried. I liked to draw and all this "interaction" and "gross motor skills" stuff was very much secondary.
In elementary school, one of the teachers tried to stop me by telling me I had to join a group project since it was the "project week". I stubbornly held my fort and kept drawing my own project. Everyone liked it in the end and that stupid teacher had to admit defeat. Even now, his restless soul roams the town screaming "vengeance, veeengeance!" - ok not quite like that, I think he did accept things gracefully as I never had any trouble from that teacher again.

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States

Grumpy Beholder
Registered: Jun 2010
From France

New User
Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted August 21, 2015

I know heavy practice is essential, but having a very good book with strong basis, tips and advices sounds like a plus to me.

maskless bandit
Registered: Nov 2013
From Switzerland