nightcraw1er.488: Is that meant to be a dig at me?
JMich: Not really. I do assume you do fact checking and do not post erroneous information. If you are in the habit of not doing so, do inform me, and I will treat you as such a person.
nightcraw1er.488: Sorry, instead of using a generic I will endeavor to list out all the crap the pile into the software which reduces the usability for paying customers.
JMich: Denuvo may reduce usability (can't reverse engineer what's protected by it, causes some overhead when using it etc) but it is not DRM. Feel free to categorize it in the crap pile, just don't put it in the DRM one.
Hadn't realised I had to provide evidence at each post, will remember this in future, perhaps a disclaimer paragraph as well.
As for the term DRM, yes, perhaps it is no longer inclusive enough with the advances in malpractice over the years. Perhaps we could go with UAB - Untoward Application Behavior. This could then include DRM, plus secretive internet access (VVran/VHelsing example - information checked on my machine), such things such as Denuvo (unverified, merely an extrapolation from the Wikipedia page:, client requisites (Steam for example which doesn't necessarily mean DRM - unverified, extrapolated from responses by Steam users on here).