As for why I was up at 5am buying was out of frustration because I just had to uninstall Oblivion for the 3rd time because surroundings went black....overlays were working fine, so was sound, but couldn't see a thing to play the game
I thought maybe I would try something different to keep me from breaking my
I am disabled, so have a lot of time on my hands, and since I have been sick, I don't sleep normal hours, so I get buried in my games for something to do..
Wolfie611: Hopefully this is what you want/need to know
Themken: One more thing:
HOW do you download the game? Using Galaxy? The GOG downloader? Your browser?
Things can break, like the router/modem/gateway or even a cable (eg bitten by a cat) and if not totally broken might just slow things down a lot as the pc requests broken packets over and over again. Wireshark could help you here but it is a complicated program even if free. I have used that to determine me having broken hardware and cables.
Since I am new to GOG, I am using GOG Galaxy for the download. Now I wish I had just used the downloader