Verdeloth: Ah, I see, that the most WTF movie in the entire GOG catalogue returns back.
I saw just a few minutes from the beginning, and it was so bizarrely creepy weird, that it practically scared me off.
Have anyone seen the entire movie to say, if I miss anything, when not giving it a second chance?
Azilut: I remember watching it years ago and thinking that it wasn't nearly as weird and creepy as I wanted it to be. But that's coming from someone who has spent a lifetime hunting down the weirdest movies in existence, so my "base line" is probably quite different from the average viewer's.
I actually like very weird movies, which almost no one has seen (and those few who has are trying to forget them as soon as possible :)).
Not sure, how many other people would survive a double combo of seeing Hotel Torgo + The Room right after each other one evening - but Ink look too much also for me.
Anyway just for fun I will maybe give it a try. I should probably help its sale a little bit, otherwise it will be there till next day.