Posted March 03, 2015

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece

Can You Face Your Fears?
Registered: Feb 2010
From Slovakia

Reet mazer
Registered: Mar 2014
From United States

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece

Homo Ludens
Registered: Nov 2013
From Pakistan
Posted March 03, 2015
There are many that share the shame, including myself. Left it at almost the half way point last year and still haven't gone back to it yet.
It is telling how much of a psychological effect a percentage discount has, since many are always waiting for a discount on this one despite it being a $5.99 game. :)
It is telling how much of a psychological effect a percentage discount has, since many are always waiting for a discount on this one despite it being a $5.99 game. :)
Post edited March 03, 2015 by stg83

Is it someone new?
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted March 03, 2015
Alright well time for me to hit the hay! I have class tomorrow, unfortunately. Goodnight everyone.
And if someone manages to snag an extra KOTOR 1 or 2 or Battlefront 2, I'll gladly pay you for it :D
And if someone manages to snag an extra KOTOR 1 or 2 or Battlefront 2, I'll gladly pay you for it :D

Reet mazer
Registered: Mar 2014
From United States

Durik - Half-Orc
Registered: Dec 2013
From Italy
Posted March 03, 2015
*hids, hoping that noone will notice him*

Galaxy 3 when?
Registered: Dec 2009
From Canada
Posted March 03, 2015

And just because there are no games published by Nordic doesn't mean we can't have games with a Norse setting. I'm personally hoping Banner Saga shows up nice and cheap.
Now they've been able to bring their games back here during 2 promotions at least, and so one might get wise to that and say "if there were legal or other issues having the games here how come there are not issues having the games here during a promotion?". Of course only the game publisher can answer such a question with accuracy as they're the only one likely to know the answer, but there's also a good chance that that level of detail of their internal business might not be something they want to discuss on a random public Internet forum that could potentially boil into an angry heated debate potentially either. I can't speak for them but we don't have verbatim copies of any legal obligations they might be under or other things of that nature and their legal stuff might very well allow them to do things like this but not to be able to meet GOG's non-sale policies or something of that sort.
In either case I think the fair and reasonable thing to do is to trust that GOG is doing the right thing, trust that Nordic is doing the right thing, take them for their word and be thankful that they are able to come to an agreement to make their games available here even temporarily for us DRM-free for the time being, and continue to hope to see their entire catalogue show up some day in the future if the pricing and legal issues can ever get sorted out. They seem like a good DRM-free GOG friendly company overall at least to me. ;o)
I'm quite happy that Nordic is able and willing to participate in these promos as last time they did I was able to pick up a handful of their games I missed out on previously and at super low prices and completed several game series I was missing a few games from. Who knows what the future holds, but I'll try to remain hopeful that the conditions occur that sees them once again join the GOG catalogue full force in the future. I see them as a DRM-free ally even if they are not presently in the store because the world is rarely all black or all white, most things are shades of grey and we have to adapt to having a little black in our white or white in or black if that makes sense. :)
I'd dig it up myself if I wasn't so tired, but someone else might feel up to searching the forums for GOG and/or Nordic's friendly informative explanations from last year when the pricing changes happened and the games got pulled.

I is more stronger than Darth Vapour!
Registered: Apr 2014
From Germany

Keaning :3
Registered: Mar 2012
From Germany

Cereal Killer
Registered: May 2014
From United States
Posted March 03, 2015
Good morning, Insomniacs!
My day is starting out great, thanks to Grargar! Everyone give him a +1 and a big hug for giving me a copy of Mask of the Ninja. This is why, 10 months ago, during the last Insomnia Promo, I became a loyal member and frequent forum contributor. The camaraderie and kindness I've seen from this community continues to amaze me. I hope my small contributions have helped to pay that forward to others here on this site. You guys (and gals, of course) are awesome!
Now, to see what I missed while I was foolishly slumbering. :P
My day is starting out great, thanks to Grargar! Everyone give him a +1 and a big hug for giving me a copy of Mask of the Ninja. This is why, 10 months ago, during the last Insomnia Promo, I became a loyal member and frequent forum contributor. The camaraderie and kindness I've seen from this community continues to amaze me. I hope my small contributions have helped to pay that forward to others here on this site. You guys (and gals, of course) are awesome!
Now, to see what I missed while I was foolishly slumbering. :P

Keaning :3
Registered: Mar 2012
From Germany
Posted March 03, 2015
Arx Fatalis would be great. Already have Gothic 1 though. Lucky me. ^^

Durik - Half-Orc
Registered: Dec 2013
From Italy