j0ekerr: Oh dear.
Is this the first movie of the sale?
Angry video game nerd [50%] 150 copies.
This is the third. Ink went fairly well, The Frame went like a three-legged turtle on a Valium overdose, and now this one.
Stilton: Gooooood Mooooorrrninngggg!
HypersomniacLive: Hey Stilton, nice to see you around! How have you been? How are things with your daughter going?
CarrionCrow: Good morning. =)
Managed to grab a few odds and ends of interest, hopefully you'll be able to do the same today.
HypersomniacLive: Nice! Hope you got at least one game that will make you feel good playing it.
I really shouldn't be buying anything, so my purchasing will be very controlled and very limited.
All of them look varying degrees of at the very least okay, aside from Alan Wake.
Bought that one because I'm an idiot.
wierzet: Do you think that games, that they're shedule on twitch will be on sale (System Shock2, Master of Orion2, Syndicate Plus etc.) ? :)
Hard to say. Those might be ones the streamers wanted to do, or there might be an underlying reason why they're up. We'll have to wait and see. The only older games left that are known for sure but haven't arrived yet are Red Faction 1 & 2, Spellforce Platinum, Black Mirror 2 (all of them on loan from Nordic one more time) and Jade Empire.