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Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but...What happens if something doesn't sell out? Is it still on some sort of timer to expire to roll in the new thing?
EDIT: Nevermind
Post edited March 03, 2015 by opticq
There seems to be some sort of bug with games you win for free. While I see it in my library, the product page for A story about my uncle still shows it as wishlisted, and it doesn't say I own it.
Gmr_Leon: Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but...What happens if something doesn't sell out? Is it still on some sort of timer to expire to roll in the new thing?
No timer, it won't change until every copy is sold so this might be a good time to get some shuteye.
"best movie i've ever seen, awesome, just buy it ... now"


I wonder if this is a legitimate review?

Shendue: Agent 47 looks great in that Jack Keane disguise.
djdarko: lol. Keane was an overpriced game that no-one wanted, Hitman 2 is a great game at a great price, problem is, everyone already owns it.
It's not so much that it was overpriced and nobody wanted it, but rather that it was one of the higher priced games in the catalogue with a smaller discount percentage giving it a pricetag of around $11.50 or so IIRC, while most games in the promo were $1-3 on average, and the number of units in a given time frame that they likely sell for a $11.50 game is going to be lower than the number of units sold for a $3 game, so if you have 100 or 200 of each of them the higher priced game will move much more slowly even if it is considered 99/100 awesomesauce. There's just lots more people willing to slam down $3 for a game than $11.50, not from popularity but from economics. :) Also a game with a higher price that can sell enough copies to meet target quotas/expectations for sales from the developer is arguably priced correctly. If it loses money or isn't making enough they either lower the regular price and/or do additional promotion.

When I looked into the Jack Keane games at the time they seemed to be well received by gamers who bought them overall, and more well received by fans of the genre specifically so they are decent games to most folk allegedly.

I think a more accurate characterization of the Insomnia sale is that the way the sale appears planned and promoted or the way that many/most of us see it is like more quickly paced flash sale only instead of having limited time to sell, they are doing limited quantity with unlimited time. The very nature of the sale is thus a sliding window of time of unknown specification by design for the most part. I think that throws many of our expecations off because we can make our decisions about whether we are going to buy a particular game fairly quickly or not then we do it or not, and we ultimately want the web site to move on to the next game quickly, especially if we're watching minute by minute. But then the higher priced item comes up and naturally gets lower volume unit sales, but possibly higher profit-per-unit that makes it priced just right for the expected return on investment - but we don't see that, we just see a game trying to push 200 units by at a snail's pace while a $3 game that is 20 years old just sold 300 copies in 5 minutes before that.

It just might not be obvious because all the details are invisible largely. :)

I bought Jack Keane 1 on sale at Shinyloot for $1 because of the publicity and fun we had during the insomnia promo back then (it showed up on sale there cheap so...). Still haven't got Jack Keane 2 yet, but I want to own it now if for no other reason than it is a permanent part of history now and our culture and comradarie in the forums now. Jack is immortalized here and perhaps even our mascot. :o)

Long live the great Keane!
Dalthnock: "best movie i've ever seen, awesome, just buy it ... now"


I wonder if this is a legitimate review?

Nicely done, few more copies sold.
Post edited March 03, 2015 by stg83
opticq: Okay real talk: how outdated are Hitman 2's graphics? That is one of the biggest obstacles to me purchasing this game
They're VERY good.

Just like GTA V, no joke.

Buy two. No, TEN & give to everyone you love.

Hitman is in the orange!
the_voivod: Hitman 2 is a great game, but I own the collection on Steam and don't really need another copy, even if it is DRM-free. This was prior to the Humble Bundle collection savings, but then I bet a lot of people got it from there.
But it's DRM FREE!

Buy twenty now!

Post edited March 03, 2015 by the_voivod
To the 52 people posting above me the Frame is the greatest movie ever! you should buy it now.
I promise I won't regret it. ;)
Post edited March 03, 2015 by dgwake
opticq: Okay real talk: how outdated are Hitman 2's graphics? That is one of the biggest obstacles to me purchasing this game
Dalthnock: They're VERY good.

Just like GTA V, no joke.

Buy two. No, TEN & give to everyone you love.

You're a bit too cheery for my taste...haha