Posted March 07, 2015

New User
Registered: Feb 2014
From Germany

New User
Registered: Feb 2015
From United States
Posted March 07, 2015
I bought one copy to help bring down LoG. =)

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted March 07, 2015
I got 3 of the 4 games I would have bought at that price and impulse bought another. Only missed Vangers, but the fact it appeared on sale at a good discount means its likely to show up again in the future at the same price or better.

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece
Posted March 07, 2015
Legend of Grimrock is now a distant legend.
Fresh deal: Drox Operative (-75%) [300]
Fresh deal: Drox Operative (-75%) [300]

Registered: May 2011
From Australia

Happy together
Registered: Sep 2013
From Germany
Posted March 07, 2015
At last!

Service with a smile :D
Registered: Sep 2014
From Netherlands

Homo Ludens
Registered: Nov 2013
From Pakistan
Posted March 07, 2015
Yeah there should be quite a few in the audio section, I always try to look for the HBs that have soundtracks included since there has been a couple of instances where soundtracks were removed from GOG games unfortunately.

🐺 Gwynnbleid 🐺
Registered: Apr 2009
From Austria
Posted March 07, 2015

Also here is a great Video Game Live performance of a track from the Chrono Cross soundtrack:

Three more hints for the musically inclined:
1) If you love remixes of C64/Amiga music go to, where you will literally find thousands of songs.
2) If you prefer the original C64 music get yourself a music player that can play .sid files (I use WinAmp with the SidAMP plugin.) and download the High Voltage SID Collection which aims to collect all C64 music and contains over 46.000 SID files of which quite a lot contain several songs! That's more chiptunes than you could listen to in 10 years.
3) One word: . Bandcamp is to music what GOG is to PC games. A music distributor who can't sign on big bands because they sell DRM-free. You can stream and even download in low quality (128kbit mp3) for free. If you like the music and you are willing to pay you can also download high quality mp3 and FLAC. Prices differ but are usually quite reasonable, like around 1$ for a track or around 5-10$ for a whole album. But since the artists set the price they can even be lower. For example, the [url=]Arcen Games Piano Collection costs only 1$ for the whole album and the Shovel Knight Soundtrack is on pay what you want. You can even enter 0 and get high quality for free. And Bandcamp has lots of game soundtracks!

Not a new user!
Registered: May 2014
From Bosnia and Herzegovina
Posted March 07, 2015
looks like people dont like 'fresh' prices that much , or maybe its because most people are broke by now :P either way things are moving slooooowly today (:
i still like turtles though. i just cant figure out how to run snes (or was it 'normal' nintendo TMNT on my pc) :/
i still like turtles though. i just cant figure out how to run snes (or was it 'normal' nintendo TMNT on my pc) :/

Big Daddy
Registered: Feb 2009
From Germany
Posted March 07, 2015

My error was to CTRL-F or "the last" in my library, when the title is shown as "LAST EXPRESS, THE".

RIP GoodOldGOG:DRMfree,one price,goodies,community
Registered: May 2011
From Romania
Posted March 07, 2015
Good morning again everyone, or afternoon/evening/night, whatever it is in your part of the world. Would be afternoon for me too, but I'm a night owl, so morning it is.
Now, looking at what happened, or more like didn't happen, pretty much since the seasoned cycle ended, this is darn embarrassing and growing even more so with each (ever so slowly) passing title. These large numbers on the "fresh" titles have nothing to do with demand and everything to do with GOG still trying to desperately reposition themselves as a (or "the") Steam alternative for the general masses, so now they're using this to fill the front page bestsellers list with new games and also get them way higher on the overall bestsellers chart, so those new users they keep chasing after will see them instead of their classic catalog, which they seem to have started being embarrassed about.
Blah. Again.
Now, looking at what happened, or more like didn't happen, pretty much since the seasoned cycle ended, this is darn embarrassing and growing even more so with each (ever so slowly) passing title. These large numbers on the "fresh" titles have nothing to do with demand and everything to do with GOG still trying to desperately reposition themselves as a (or "the") Steam alternative for the general masses, so now they're using this to fill the front page bestsellers list with new games and also get them way higher on the overall bestsellers chart, so those new users they keep chasing after will see them instead of their classic catalog, which they seem to have started being embarrassed about.
Blah. Again.

New User
Registered: Feb 2015
From United States
Posted March 07, 2015
Yay - only 57 more titles I don't want and 1 that I'm still after. Perhaps I'll see it show up in a day or two.... LOL

Registered: Jun 2013
From Austria
Posted March 07, 2015
have to go for now, good hunting to all or better i say actually fishing?
quite some time for considering if you land the catch or not.
quite some time for considering if you land the catch or not.

Shark Jumper
Registered: Dec 2011
From Spain
Posted March 07, 2015
PM if anyone wants Drox Operative. Bring cookies :P