Posted March 07, 2015

GOG Café Admin
Registered: May 2011
From Netherlands

Registered: May 2011
From Australia
Posted March 07, 2015
high rated

*Tarnicus begins casting Ward: Dimensional Shield*

New User
Registered: Jan 2013
From United States
Posted March 07, 2015
Wait... I missed Dead State?
Crap. I mean it was on me ehhh list, but would have liked to have had the option.
Crap. I mean it was on me ehhh list, but would have liked to have had the option.

Cereal Killer
Registered: May 2014
From United States
Posted March 07, 2015

Co8uld you please inform me which games were sold this day?

Keaning Society
Registered: Jul 2011
From Bulgaria
Posted March 07, 2015
We should get to know each other then? Nothing (for now until 4K comes out) comes close to blu-ray in terms of picture and sound quality. Netflix is an easy and fast way to watch a movie, but for anyone's collectors and perfection needs, hard copy is always better.

Registered: May 2011
From Australia
Posted March 07, 2015

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece
Posted March 07, 2015

Keaning :3
Registered: Mar 2012
From Germany
Posted March 07, 2015
Gonna grab some sleep. Good night guys. :)

Don't ignore Tux
Registered: Jun 2011
From Slovenia
Posted March 07, 2015

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City

Don't ignore Tux
Registered: Jun 2011
From Slovenia

Registered: Sep 2013
From Belize
Posted March 07, 2015
high rated
After your recent crit (Door Kickers?), I believe you are in tune with the algorithm, so I appreciate you applying your skills to rest of us! :)
Post edited March 07, 2015 by budejovice

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted March 07, 2015

*Tarnicus begins casting Ward: Dimensional Shield*

It's not working. He's turning on us. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH

Gaming & Candy
Registered: May 2009
From United States
Posted March 07, 2015

And my father was what i would define a closet gamer.
My parents divorced when i was very little and i went to live with my mother, who some years after married another man. Buy she always stayed in touch with my father and from time to time i spent some weekends and vacations with him. At one of those times, i guess i was 12-13, i stayed with him on my holidays.
I had an Atari Lynx i received for xmas and i kept playing the thing 24/7 with the two games i had at the time, Blue Lightning and Rygar. Since i was basically glued at the screen all time, he kept telling me that i would become dumb if i kept playing every time, and constantly kept telling me to turn the thing off at least for a little and talk with other people or do something more healthy.
After a couple days with him at his place, i was sleeping at late night and woke up, i guess it was about 3 am, and aimed to the kitchen to take a glass of water. As soon as i came out of the bedroom, i started seeing a light and barely audible sound. I followed them and found my father, 3 am, mind it, on the couch COMPLETELY fixed on the Lynx. I swear by God, it looked like he was playing the world championship finals or something like that, he was totally hooked. I said "but,'s 3 am..." and he was, like, "SHUT THE FUCK UP! I FINALLY REACHED LEVEL 6-2! DON'T TALK TO ME!" XD XD XD
Some years later he bought an early precursor of media center PCs, the OLIVETTI ENVISION (it was a revolutionary thing at the time, but didn't get much commercial success). I payed him a visit and he showed me the thing, enthusiastically. He kept saying that it was very cool and had lots of media functions, and was also pretty helpful for work.
I played with the thing a few and found out it had some videogames on a demo disk, so i asked him if i could try them. I started Street Fighter II and EVERY ENTRY OF THE HI-SCORE LIST had my father's name on it. "Work, uh? Sure." XD
I miss him a lot. I know it's kinda of a downer, sorry, but i gotta share: when i went to watch over him in the hospital after i heard he was really ill, i found a copy of a submarine simulator on his laptop. It may be stupid, but as a gamer it relieved me a little bit thinking that he was able at least to kill time and enjoy himself a little bit with something playful as a distraction those hard days.

New User
Registered: Nov 2014
From United Kingdom