genkicolleen: lol~ My dad's 66 and a serious gamer -- he's playing
Ascent - The Space Game as we speak; the latest in a long line of MMO's. I got my gaming tendencies from him (though I think that MMO's are evil. EVIL I say!) XD
SortaSane: I purposefully exposed my father to RPGs starting with Final Fantasy VII so I could buy him games I could borrow later. Nowadays he's retired, playing Dragon Age: Inquisition his 360 and sitting on a library of Bethesda, Obisidian, and Square Enix titles.
I played Final Fantasy VII on the PC when it first came out in the several disk sleeve... wow, was that one roller-coaster of a game. I remember that it felt like the game would never end. I never played any of the others after that one, for fear of being disappointed. My daughters did though.