Posted March 06, 2015

Registered: May 2011
From Australia

Is it someone new?
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted March 06, 2015

Well said, Tarnicus.

And now I want some pizza too.

Registered: May 2011
From United States

Is it someone new?
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted March 06, 2015
Yesh, QUBE and Raven are gonna go even slower that Federation.
Though I remember someone wanted QUBE, who was that.
Though I remember someone wanted QUBE, who was that.

Registered: Apr 2013
From France
Posted March 06, 2015
Bonjour ! :)
I was reading your wise words in your previous message. I just wanted to say : I don't know the "yourself from the past", but now, you're someone really pleasant (you're kind, open minded, patient, and all this great kind of things.). Sure, I would hope a lot more people could follow a similar path to yours.
Pizza ! Huuuum, have a good meal ! See you after :D
I was reading your wise words in your previous message. I just wanted to say : I don't know the "yourself from the past", but now, you're someone really pleasant (you're kind, open minded, patient, and all this great kind of things.). Sure, I would hope a lot more people could follow a similar path to yours.
Pizza ! Huuuum, have a good meal ! See you after :D

Team Banzai
Registered: Apr 2013
From Germany
Posted March 06, 2015
Thx CarrionCrow.Well still a few seasoned to go.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by ALH

Registered: Apr 2013
From France
Posted March 06, 2015

And now I want some pizza too.
For the pizza too ;)
Ah ah ah ^^ I see..... and may be more with watching the sale ? ;)
Post edited March 06, 2015 by Splatsch

Another gamer
Registered: Sep 2014
From Australia
Posted March 06, 2015
No idea if a Windows port of this exists, probably not.
I've got it to run fine with DosBox too though, you just have to configure the CD drive properly.

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted March 06, 2015

And now I want some pizza too.

For the pizza too ;)

Registered: Apr 2013
From France

Is it someone new?
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted March 06, 2015

For the pizza too ;)
Ah ah ah ^^ I see..... and may be more with watching the sale ? ;)

I'm a bit hesitant in buying games recently after bad/boring games like Grimm, Capsized, Blocks that Matter.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted March 06, 2015
I had this weird error where I bought a copy of Stronghold HD and the payment went through but did not redirect to the "you bought the game" page, and no GOG receipt either.

Meeping away
Registered: Aug 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted March 06, 2015
And I'm back! After more than half an hour wrangling with the bank, even though they were super helpful. It just took time, and I kept them on the line to try out some transactions on other game sites just in case. ;)
Incidentally, after I got off the phone with them the first time, I tried to get the $1 Weekly Bundle, but my card was declined! However, the bank told me the request for payment hadn't even come through to them from Humble. So is anyone else having problems with Humble today?
Hopefully, it's all fixed!
Fingers crossed for Myst and Legend of Grimrock 2!
Incidentally, after I got off the phone with them the first time, I tried to get the $1 Weekly Bundle, but my card was declined! However, the bank told me the request for payment hadn't even come through to them from Humble. So is anyone else having problems with Humble today?
Hopefully, it's all fixed!
Fingers crossed for Myst and Legend of Grimrock 2!

Team Banzai
Registered: Apr 2013
From Germany
Posted March 06, 2015
Insomnia Sales are the best.One particular thing GOG could improve though is the finale.Just kinda fades away.There should be something special as the finale of Rd 3.Maybe a limited free game, a new release or pre-release.Something unexpected to kind of reward those who hang around to see the conclusion.

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted March 06, 2015

I don't remember, when are they coming ?
What is your best grab from this sale ?
Ones I'm particularly looking forward to playing would be Pier Solar, Last Federation, Xenonauts, Legend of Grimrock 2, Wasteland 2 and Shadowgate.