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Time to go out for a bit....if Rayman Origins ever finishes up, could I perhaps trouble somebody to keep an eye on The Raven for me? Been waiting for that one through the never-ending second round... :/
Tarnicus: Yeah I don't give the DSM and the psychs who put it together much credence though. It is too heavily influenced by pharmaceutical companies. My girlfriend is an Aspie, and as challenging as it can be at times (I cant talk, I have bipolar/ADHD diagnoses and can be very difficult to be with!) we have taken the time to get to know each other. Most times things are great. The biggest issues can be overcome with communication, and it is when she is having a melt-down and I am having an angry mood-swing that we have our challenges. Taking the time to learn who each other is has been a rewarding experience, and I have researched a lot on Autism/Aspbergers as as a result. It presents quite differently between males and females. From what I can tell, we are each on these sliding scales to some extent. I don't think a "normal" human being exists :)

I have played Savant's game, and even though I suck at it, I enjoyed it and it isn't my type of game :)
Shendue: "Normality" is just a good adventure game, i guess. :D
I actually suffer from GAD with psychosomatic manifestations such as IBS and GERD. Recently i even had episodes of atrial fibrillation due to anxiety.
I also suffer from social anxiety. It's not like i have problems with normal social interations, actually i'm rather outgoing usually, but i basically lose control of my emotions whenever i'm faced by someone who is rude, authoritarian or even just too forward.
I guess everybody, more or less, has their fair share of issues.
It should be expected, tho, that anybody partecipating in this madness which is the Insomnia sale can't be entirely sane. I know if i were, i would be sleeping now. XD
Well thanks for sharing :) It has taken me a long time to even remotely begin to understand myself and my patterns of behaviour, and by doing so it has made it a lot easier for me to understand and interact with others. I have come to realise that as much as I enjoy social interaction, I really need my "me time" to process life and to try to be a bit more balanced. My partner suffers greatly from anxiety at times but has gotten a lot better with it. I find a combination of brief interactions with strangers to generally be a good thing for me, close but sparse interactions with people I trust also to be good, and I am prone to overdoing it when in manic phases, hence my need for a home space that I have control over. I too do not do well with conflict, especially in my home, even though I am often the instigator of it. Hence I am looking to move with just myself and partner (we live with her father) and in the meantime I'm going camping when I heal from a recent infection+allergic reaction to get some much needed solitude and time to practise my survival skills and get inspiration and research for my creative works :)
cecil: I wish worms 2 was for Mac I remember that game being awesome. For that matter I wish Thief was too. I'd try getting something and using WINE but not sure how hard it is to use wrappers.
Ever tried setting up dual-booting into windows? I was considering a Mac for a while and that's what I'd do.
Edit: Though of course that means you'd still have to buy Windows, though.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by ArtisticMinstrel
cecil: ...using WINE but not sure how hard it is to use wrappers.
I find it easier to use a glass. :P
cecil: ...using WINE but not sure how hard it is to use wrappers.
PabloEscobar: I find it easier to use a glass. :P
Bonus points for the laugh thanks ;)
low rated
Double Insomnia speed right now...
penumbren: I play socially just enough to be aware that there are way more women playing way more games than devs or advertisers seem to think. I can tell you that I mostly see teenage to mid-20s guys talking in the public channels on WoW, but I've mostly met women who play it when dealing with guilds, raid groups, or real life meetings. I think the differing situations there probably speak for themselves.

I like to sit and watch other people play games too, when I'm in the mood, although I think I spent a lot more time watching different roommates play through Fallout 3 (which is only very arguably an RPG of any sort) or Grand Theft Auto IV than I did any other games.

And that's nice to know, but certainly not what the comment sounded like. Admittedly, I'm biased in how I read these things - but that's because I've been on the receiving end of nastiness for my liking of a "guy thing" my entire life. Thanks for the clarification.
Holy crap, thinking about it, I guess I'm out of touch with modern gaming - my original statement was based on practically nothing.

Way to make myself out to be a total arrogant prick. I'm not I promise.

I sincerely apologize.

Cheers for girl gamers!
What time is this supposed to end? I'm Pacific time, but I'm sure it won't end in 1 1/2 hours... right?

Pls, I need Undying or TIE Fighter to pop up again :(
Seeing as Rayman's been Keaning for awhile now, and Worms 2 is selling slowly, I think I shall call it a night. I will likely miss Gex and/or Nox, but that's ultimately for the best, as I've spent a fair amount of money during the sale. Money I should be saving to survive on my own away from my family or going back to college. Preferably both.

G'night, everybody!
cecil: I wish worms 2 was for Mac I remember that game being awesome. For that matter I wish Thief was too. I'd try getting something and using WINE but not sure how hard it is to use wrappers.
ArtisticMinstrel: Ever tried setting up dual-booting into windows? I was considering a Mac for a while and that's what I'd do.
Edit: Though of course that means you'd still have to buy Windows, though.
I've thought of dual booting or buying a cheapish PC laptop but thought a Wrapper would be easiest if they are "Drag and Drop" since I don't want to have to fiddle with stuff DOS style...
Tarnicus: Why would it matter to you, when you supposedly have no money to buy games and instead beg for them? :P Yes I will bring this up everytime I see you post and especially when you comment about not being able to buy things and get caught lying about it :D

To refresh your memory
amrit9037: bring it on! :P
It doesn't really matter as you will swap to another account but this one you are using will be recognised :)
SpessMareen: What time is this supposed to end? I'm Pacific time, but I'm sure it won't end in 1 1/2 hours... right?

Pls, I need Undying or TIE Fighter to pop up again :(
From what I have been hearing the sale isnt tied to any time. Its 3 rounds of sales and when all is sold then it ends.
Gameslinger: Seeing as Rayman's been Keaning for awhile now, and Worms 2 is selling slowly, I think I shall call it a night. I will likely miss Gex and/or Nox, but that's ultimately for the best, as I've spent a fair amount of money during the sale. Money I should be saving to survive on my own away from my family or going back to college. Preferably both.

G'night, everybody!
GEX was fun on PS1 and Nox I was slightly disappointed by but hope you can catch em both :)
SpessMareen: What time is this supposed to end? I'm Pacific time, but I'm sure it won't end in 1 1/2 hours... right?

Pls, I need Undying or TIE Fighter to pop up again :(
I'd like to know too, seems that Seasoned should be finished long before Fresh.
Tarnicus: There is definitely the factor of those not identifying their gender, especially in the early days (2000) when I first started playing MMOs. The crap that females got from identifying themselves was horrendous. "OMG UR A GRL?!?" Given that I generally play female characters (it was even at one point in time but Azariiel became my main and Tarnicus my off-sider, and I found it easier to create female names that I preferred), I got to see things from different perspectives.

My perception could have a lot to do with no longer playing MMOs with guilds of other people, and being based on past perception. I generally start one for myself and partner and have all our alts in them. I got sick of the drama (partially created by myself) of interacting with other people closely. When I think about the last major guild I was in when playing Rift, the percentage was fairly even. Thanks for prompting me to give this more thought :)
Oh god, yes. The "OMG UR A GURL??!" is a reaction I've had, too; I can't count how many times someone in WoW has said, "Oh, you're really a girl, not just playing a female [race]?" *facepalm* You should see their confusion when I'm playing a male character! I make my characters based on what looks interesting to me - sometimes that's something that's attractive, sometimes it's not, sometimes it's female, sometimes it's male. I'll admit to a large bias toward female toons in WoW because I'm not that fond of their male designs, but that's actually a rarity for me. Usually it's more of an even split. That carries over to my RL role-playing too, on those rare occasions anymore that I get to participate in an RPG group.

I'll avoid the whole "privilege" conversation that I can feel brewing in my mind. Been there, done that, it's usually a messy thing and I don't feel up to it tonight. Suffice to say that, yes, I'd say you get it, having seen something of what it's like from 'my' side, too. :)

Tarnicus: I have to say that out my partner and I, I am the chick-flick romcom lover, and she is the mindless action fan! I am the one who prefers an emotionally gripping tale that plucks my heartstrings, and she loves the violence and gore. Then again I did too when I was her age, and I think I've had my share of seeing violence glorified. We have managed to interest each other in our respective tastes in all manner of entertainment. I've always loved martial arts movies, but since undertaking full contact sparring a few years ago, I find so many of those flashy moves to be absolute BS! I love this clip Rudimental - Right Here ft Foxes for the story and martial arts choreography, no matter how easy it would be to avoid most of the flashy kung fu shown in it.

My partner is now as big a mixed martial arts fan as I am, and it has lead to her leading some basic self defense from me :) Her German Shepherd cross black Labrador dog is a great sparring partner :)
I actually like well-done romcoms... but those are very rare these days. I also like a well-done drama... but my go-to movies for background noise, random fits of being bored, or "what looks good at the theater" are generally action-oriented things. My husband got me into martial arts movies (he was nearly a black belt in kajikenbo (which I know I just spelled wrong) when he was younger), and I fell in love. I also blame him for my love of Godzilla flicks and their cousins. I grew up with two uncles who taught martial arts when I was much, much younger, so I know just little enough to catch a lot of the humor in filmed fights. Similarly, when the husband and friends got into backyard wrestling some years back, with another friend who'd gone to a wrestling school, I learned enough to appreciate the very hard work that pro wrestlers put in while still being able to laugh (sometimes a LOT) at the moves on tv. It doen't make me like watching pro wrestling any less, though it can sometimes be a challenge to set the knowledge aside and just 'be a mark' for the few hours it lasts.

Speaking of emotional tales... have you ever seen the film Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence? It's about POWs during WWII and is a decidedly not-happy drama that I can only watch ever so often, but it is a marvelous movie.

And my, I can blabber on. Apologies to those in the thread whom I've just bored to death! :)