penumbren: How is Grimrock 2? I've played the first one a bit but got sidetracked by real life shortly afterward due to family issues. I'd have to start it all over again now.
The first Grimrock is great but very focused. The setting is all in the tower, the loot is minimal (to the point where you are genuinely excited to find leather boots), and the gameplay demanding. The puzzles are good and the enemies can be outwitted at times, which is always a plus.
The second Grimrock is far larger in scope, with a big variety of settings, lots of loot, and setpiece events that are part of the overall story. I found it much harder as well, however. Possibly I am trying to progress too far too quickly and have not leveled up my party enough. I got a fair distance, but I may start over as well and play a smarter game the second time. I still recommend it very much if you like the genre, and particularly if you like the first Grimrock.