ElTerprise: True. But atleast Far Cry 2 had an interesting and under used scenario.
And it was horribly lacking in the destructible environment and smart AI departments that made Crysis 1 so good.
Seriously, Far Cry 2 is basically boring driving for hours on a slow car in a gigantic map with a fixed and mandatory first person in-car cam and horrific driving model without doing anything at all from point A to point B, then shooting for a few minutes at some mindless sheeps with retarded strategies and Hawkeye's accuracy in shooting at you, then rinse and repeat 100+ times. It's like Penn and Teller's Desert Bus meets Call of Duty.
It even manages to give you a free roaming map but punishes you for exploring with the poison antidote system.
The only things the game does fine are the setting and the fire propagation physics. Everything else is either mediocre or amazingly boring.