Ancient-Red-Dragon: Who cares. The modern Doom games are all trash anyway, and nothing at all like the real Doom games, Doom I and Doom II.
EverNightX: Nonsense. They are a bit too fast for me these days, but they are high quality games packed with content and far surpass Doom 1 & 2 in every aspect I can think of story/lore, music, graphics, variety of gameplay, unlocks, bosses, secrets, weapons. It's not even close. The 2 modern Doom games are pretty bad ass first person shooters. Eternal especially is quite intense.
Doom 1 & 2 were amazing for the 90s. They are not amazing today. + You get them for free inside the modern game anyway.
Modern though they may be, the fun factor simply isn't there. I played through Doom 2016 twice and was struggling to finish the 2nd time due to boredom. There is a slew of stuff that I dislike. Ammo/Health management, glory kills, difficulty scaling, checkpoint saving, "story/lore" where UAC is now comic book level villain and from what I've seen, Eternal went full fantasy mode.
I will keep returning to Doom 2 WADs till the day I die most likely. The amount of possible variety with custom levels is nearly limitless in the original engine.
In nu-Dooms, the gameplay is very rigid, prescriptive and repetitive. They have more fancy looking fluff, but that doesn't automatically mean more fun gameplay. So you are correct. It's not even close, but the other way around.
Funny how opinions work :P