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Magmarock: Because I hope not.

Not that I'm calling for the game to be removed or anything, I just hope it's not a sign of more to come in the category of Henti games and stuff. This appears to be GOG's first AO game.
Say it with me folks: puuuuuuuuuuuuuritan! Get off your high horse and imposing your "think about the children!" narrative here. Kids are the minority and you have to be a teen to even have an account on GOG or you're a shitty parent.

If you don't like the game, don't buy it.
rjbuffchix: You are correct it is more a spectrum than a binary either/or choice, and I'm glad you brought up that point so none of us are losing the forest for the trees. However, I would still maintain there is a much higher concentration of one "range" in that spectrum (that being: comedy) than the other way. To you and others, the dark stuff earns all these pejoratives and dismissiveness, e.g, "overboard" (and who made you the arbiter of that, btw?). I simply don't feel it is that way.

I want more adult games because I want more darkness, "edgy", etc. So what if you or others don't find it mature? I am secure in my taste of what I like, while the people who don't share my taste seem to resort to constant namecalling any time one of "my style" pieces of media dares rear its head anywhere. Naturally, the conclusion is that someone who is secure in their enjoyment of this stuff is immature, and the namecallers are mature. Now THAT is comedy ;)
You're being needlessly combatitive about this, and you're misenterpreting my stance quite a bit. I don't begrudge what you enjoy, and while I see a lot the "grimdark edgy" stuff as silly and over the top, it's certainly not true that it "earns all these pejoratives and dismissiveness" from me. I hold the overly jokey, nothing-but-comic-relief stuff like many of the Marvel films in just as low regard, and I'm a fan of the Snyder films that people so often call overly dark and violent. I love both the dark, gothic Disciples 2 and colorful, fairy-tale-ish HoMM 2, because I feel they both nail their chosen tone without taking things too far.
Post edited October 07, 2021 by Breja
Magmarock: Because I hope not.

Not that I'm calling for the game to be removed or anything, I just hope it's not a sign of more to come in the category of Henti games and stuff. This appears to be GOG's first AO game.
BroscienceEngineer: Say it with me folks: puuuuuuuuuuuuuritan! Get off your high horse and imposing your "think about the children!" narrative here. Kids are the minority and you have to be a teen to even have an account on GOG or you're a shitty parent.

If you don't like the game, don't buy it.
Looks like I struck a nerve, so someone built themselves a strawman and started hitting it pretending that it was me. There's not a single mention of children in the post nor do I even imply that the game should be removed.
Magmarock: Because I hope not.

Not that I'm calling for the game to be removed or anything, I just hope it's not a sign of more to come in the category of Henti games and stuff. This appears to be GOG's first AO game.
I never understood this prude thinking. Killing, maiming, torturing is ok for children, boobs are "adult"?!
I don't care if they release these sorts of games but I just hope that if they continue down this path, that they add customizable filter options so I can filter out the stuff I have no interest in. That's a feature that would literally benefit everyone.
Anime-BlackWolf: See, and I would buy hentai stuff here. And bring the store money in that way. So yeah, bring more adult stuff GOG.
Magmarock: Well it would be foolish to expect everyone to agree with me.
We don't get to vote anyway.
Magmarock: So you think this is fine for kids?
Lol, did you forget what you posted 24 hours ago?


Also, I never accused you of wanting to take down the game either. Check your logic. Oh wait, you can't because you don't have any.
Post edited October 08, 2021 by BroscienceEngineer
Breja: You're being needlessly combatitive about this, and you're misenterpreting my stance quite a bit. I don't begrudge what you enjoy, and while I see a lot the "grimdark edgy" stuff as silly and over the top, it's certainly not true that it "earns all these pejoratives and dismissiveness" from me. I hold the overly jokey, nothing-but-comic-relief stuff like many of the Marvel films in just as low regard, and I'm a fan of the Snyder films that people so often call overly dark and violent. I love both the dark, gothic Disciples 2 and colorful, fairy-tale-ish HoMM 2, because I feel they both nail their chosen tone without taking things too far.
I respect that but honestly I don't think I am, as for me it is not unlike defending DRM-free gaming. That is to say, those of us with my particular taste (DRM-free gaming / "edgy grimdark" ... you can add AO games too since I feel they are in a similar spot, at least among the community here) are essentially quite marginalized and don't have that much truly catering to us. Any further encroachment I feel can make the marginalization even worse going forward. You were participating in that lovely "Should GOG accept Epic Fail achievements system" topic and are one of the stalwarts calling out DRMed bs where you see it, so I know you can relate :)

I like some of those DC movies for what they are but that's also an example I have brought up in the past, when people were complaining about "edginess" and "grimdark". To me, the fact that so many folks find the DC movies to be, supposedly, so dark, is a comment on how far the range is firmly planted towards the comedic side of things. I mean ultimately these movies are about characters who in other places have their likeness on cereal, macaroni, and underwear. That's not their "fault" but barring an Elseworlds type story I think it is very hard to push grimness/darkness farther than Batman v. Superman when we are talking about mainstream characters of that kind.

To go back to my DRM-free analogy, I like when games are DRM-free all the way and have DRM-free multiplayer too (for games that include a multiplayer mode, that is). So, while I do appreciate a game getting released on GOG but then I learn the multiplayer is locked behind some sort of online requirement and no option for hotseat/LAN/etc, it's not exactly what I am looking for. I might still well buy it and enjoy it if the singleplayer content has enough of what I am looking for, but I won't feel fully satiated. That is basically how I feel about the DC movies, and about games/movies I feel could have pushed farther. Granted, not everything needs to! I just wish that more would is all :)

+1 for good convo and for referencing those good old games
Magmarock: So you think this is fine for kids?
BroscienceEngineer: Lol, did you forget what you posted 24 hours ago?


Also, I never accused you of wanting to take down the game either. Check your logic. Oh wait, you can't because you don't have any.
Takes one to know one. Calling me a puritan implies I want the game removed.

My response that you quoted was to
"most people in Europe would not consider this to be adult content, I certainly wouldn't"

So me not thinking this is a G rated family friendly game makes me a puritan? I'm done talking to you.
Breja: It's not like we should have to chose between two stupid extremes - angsty grimdark blood, gore and spikes on everything on one hand and goofy "everything has to be turned into a joke/meme" Marvel - style on the other. Things can be serious and even "dark" without going overboard with it. It's the difference between the maturity of Babylon 5 (complex story and characters, nuanced storytelling, themes of war, loss but still with moments of well balanced humor) and the "maturity" of Event Horizon (we made a starship made of spikes and pain and it goes through literall Hell and people get butchered and gouge out their eyez and its so cool and dark and metal you guyz!).
Exactly this! Deep Space 9, Babylon 5, both of them handled the flaws of humanity and what it really meant to live in a so called Utopia. You can't run away from your problems on a space station, so you have to solve them.
low rated
Breja: It's not like we should have to chose between two stupid extremes - angsty grimdark blood, gore and spikes on everything on one hand and goofy "everything has to be turned into a joke/meme" Marvel - style on the other. Things can be serious and even "dark" without going overboard with it. It's the difference between the maturity of Babylon 5 (complex story and characters, nuanced storytelling, themes of war, loss but still with moments of well balanced humor) and the "maturity" of Event Horizon (we made a starship made of spikes and pain and it goes through literall Hell and people get butchered and gouge out their eyez and its so cool and dark and metal you guyz!).
Darvond: Exactly this! Deep Space 9, Babylon 5, both of them handled the flaws of humanity and what it really meant to live in a so called Utopia. You can't run away from your problems on a space station, so you have to solve them.
o yes mature movies who still watch it?. now we just overload with stupid humor and makes anything renderless meaningless goo

just watch the latest Suicide Squad ohh i no longer have the energy nor time to care about anymore.
Magmarock: Because I hope not.

Not that I'm calling for the game to be removed or anything, I just hope it's not a sign of more to come in the category of Henti games and stuff. This appears to be GOG's first AO game.
blotunga: I never understood this prude thinking. Killing, maiming, torturing is ok for children, boobs are "adult"?!
Well, that's the US american moralist way of thinking: ending lives is OK. The act of creating life is disgusting.

The screenshots of Succubus are a perfect example of this. Violence, blood and gore are depicted freely. But the demon boobs have to be pixelated.
blotunga: I never understood this prude thinking. Killing, maiming, torturing is ok for children, boobs are "adult"?!
Lifthrasil: Well, that's the US american moralist way of thinking: ending lives is OK. The act of creating life is disgusting.

The screenshots of Succubus are a perfect example of this. Violence, blood and gore are depicted freely. But the demon boobs have to be pixelated.
I don't know whats going on, GoG won't post my message and I can't delete this. what the hell
Post edited October 11, 2021 by mastyer-kenobi
low rated
blotunga: I never understood this prude thinking. Killing, maiming, torturing is ok for children, boobs are "adult"?!
Lifthrasil: Well, that's the US american moralist way of thinking: ending lives is OK. The act of creating life is disgusting.

The screenshots of Succubus are a perfect example of this. Violence, blood and gore are depicted freely. But the demon boobs have to be pixelated.
Not really sure a German should be lecturing Americans about moralist thinking. Just saying :P
Lifthrasil: Well, that's the US american moralist way of thinking: ending lives is OK. The act of creating life is disgusting.

The screenshots of Succubus are a perfect example of this. Violence, blood and gore are depicted freely. But the demon boobs have to be pixelated.
Magmarock: Not really sure a German should be lecturing Americans about moralist thinking. Just saying :P
Why? Because of our censorship laws? And GOG's weird eagerness to comply with the German censorship even in cases where it doesn't exist? Yes, the German censorship is bad. But at least it has the relative rating of which things are worse in the correct order. Nudity is OK. Depiction of Sex is mostly OK too, but will lead to an age rating. The depiction of violence can lead to censorship, especially if it is in the form of gore. And I think that actually makes sense: killing people is very bad, you know. Murder is a crime. But there is nothing wrong with consensual sex.

It takes a quite perverted mind to think that showing an uncovered boob is somehow worse than reveling in mass-murder.