Posted March 26, 2015

2023-08-14: Remember the Spaces!
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States

Registered: Apr 2011
From United States
Posted March 26, 2015
Depends on the mindset of the person playing and how the content is presented.
Games are fiction and fiction's point is to let people take brief glimpses into other lives. When the game is not immediately distinguishable from real life there's a problem. Just like other forms of entertainment, where that line is depends on the person involved. Children and mentally disabled people are the most obvious groups that have trouble with this, but all adults simply have different tolerances.
I think there's a realism event horizon after which the game is not immediately distinguishable as fiction for some people, and including murder/rape/etc in games after that point isn't OK. There's also the overwhelmingly problematic view of rape and abuse in many cultures that makes portraying or encouraging those actions in a game much less acceptable IMO.
TL;DR It depends on how the content is presented and how the person playing interprets it. Different people will have opposite reactions to the same content, which is why we need options to manage the level of possibly objectionable content in games.
Games are fiction and fiction's point is to let people take brief glimpses into other lives. When the game is not immediately distinguishable from real life there's a problem. Just like other forms of entertainment, where that line is depends on the person involved. Children and mentally disabled people are the most obvious groups that have trouble with this, but all adults simply have different tolerances.
I think there's a realism event horizon after which the game is not immediately distinguishable as fiction for some people, and including murder/rape/etc in games after that point isn't OK. There's also the overwhelmingly problematic view of rape and abuse in many cultures that makes portraying or encouraging those actions in a game much less acceptable IMO.
TL;DR It depends on how the content is presented and how the person playing interprets it. Different people will have opposite reactions to the same content, which is why we need options to manage the level of possibly objectionable content in games.

Registered: Apr 2012
From Switzerland
Posted March 26, 2015

Surely, in real life, you value a human's life even higher than an animal's life (like, wouldn't redirect a rolling boulder towards a family of humans in order to save a family of dogs, but might do the opposite). So, what reverses this hierarchy in video games ?
It's not a rhetorical question, I do not even say that it is wrong or hypocritical. I'm just trying to pinpoint the factors that lead to this.

Service with a smile :D
Registered: Sep 2014
From Netherlands
Posted March 26, 2015

i was 25 about then i guess,
yes the games i mentioned are very old i was like 14 or so when i got the c64.

Nintendo 64 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The North American version of the Nintendo 64 officially launched on September 29, 1996. It was launched with just two games in the United States, Pilotwings 64 and Super Mario 64.
.. but i assumed it would be somewhere in the late nineties.
I have seen a gamegear , gameboys from the kids but not an N64, i have seen N64 some relatives had back then.
I started with atari 2600, c64, amiga500 , amiga CD32 and lateron PC.
But back then the times were better and less crisis like now...that euro has done all of us in a bad way.

Surely, in real life, you value a human's life even higher than an animal's life (like, wouldn't redirect a rolling boulder towards a family of humans in order to save a family of dogs, but might do the opposite). So, what reverses this hierarchy in video games ?
It's not a rhetorical question, I do not even say that it is wrong or hypocritical. I'm just trying to pinpoint the factors that lead to this.
Some will seek you for the rest of their lives, with animals its more instinct: if you manage to get a way chances are very small the animal will keep looking for you and get you after decades, but humans will.
Post edited March 26, 2015 by gamesfreak64

Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted March 26, 2015
I don't even....
Do you really believe this nonsense?
Other animals than homo sapiens have long-term memory too you know?
Do you really believe this nonsense?
Other animals than homo sapiens have long-term memory too you know?
Post edited March 26, 2015 by Klumpen0815

Fulvus Forever !
Registered: Apr 2012
From France
Posted March 26, 2015

Surely, in real life, you value a human's life even higher than an animal's life (like, wouldn't redirect a rolling boulder towards a family of humans in order to save a family of dogs, but might do the opposite). So, what reverses this hierarchy in video games ?
It's not a rhetorical question, I do not even say that it is wrong or hypocritical. I'm just trying to pinpoint the factors that lead to this.

Registered: Apr 2012
From Switzerland
Posted March 26, 2015

Surely, in real life, you value a human's life even higher than an animal's life (like, wouldn't redirect a rolling boulder towards a family of humans in order to save a family of dogs, but might do the opposite). So, what reverses this hierarchy in video games ?
It's not a rhetorical question, I do not even say that it is wrong or hypocritical. I'm just trying to pinpoint the factors that lead to this.

"Humans" are not only over-weaponized military grunts.

Get Showgunners!
Registered: Jun 2011
From Poland

No Longer New!
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted March 26, 2015
No in terms of morality. The only time it is considered wrong for me is if it means a failed mission and having to restart or reload.
Huge difference between a "murder" in a video game and a murder in real life.
Huge difference between a "murder" in a video game and a murder in real life.

New User
Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

Registered: Apr 2012
From Switzerland

I was told there would always be a bigger fish
Registered: Jun 2013
From Canada
Posted March 27, 2015
Yes it is wrong to kill in a videogame.

Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted March 27, 2015
I couldn't resist:

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Registered: Dec 2012
From Other

Registered: Sep 2011
From Canada
Posted March 27, 2015
wrong or right, it doesnt stop people from killing in video games or real life