amund: If GOG want to expand its userbase then I think more multiplayer games is needed because still a lot of people see GOG as the place to get old games only. Pretty much all AAA games has a multiplayer component and if GOG wants those games here then they need to offer a really good service for the devs, not sure how that will go with the DRM-Free idea though.
Unless I'm mistaken the Gwent game already has microtransactions so I assume more games with that will come here.
FIrst I want to thanks every answear I get. Didn't expect so much .
Second , Yea I was thinking something like you said
PsychoSpearX: Hello I'm new here... and I notice how in this store there are like none or few games MMO.
I think some games like this would be cool to see on this store ...
But it is a cool idea? O a bad one ?
Thanks for your time.
HereForTheBeer: Examples?
Keep in mind that a traditional MMORPG like Asheron's Call, Everquest, or WoW require an online account to play, which may not work well with the concept of DRM-free.
If you mean, for instance, a user-hostable FPS like BF1942 or others, then sure, that would be cool - so long as there is no DRM involved.
Edit: spelling.
You are not wrong either ... Good point.