Posted April 27, 2016
skeletonbow: Yes animals and enemies respawn in various areas by design. Not only is the game completely playable, but millions of people have played it, and multitudes of people have finished the game, so it is indeed playable.
The bigger problem is the tens of trillions of bugs in the game, many of which are game breaking that you may encounter which can totally screw your game over until you search Google and find other people experiencing the problem out there and read up potential solutions and workarounds for the given problem. Fortunately enough though there are many great Skyrim resources online for working around the bazillions of endless bugs in the game. Several Skyrim wikis out there have a section at the bottom of each of their pages for "Bugs" and if/how to get around them, often by going into the game's console and typing commands. There is also an unofficial patch for the game made by the community and available in the Steam workshop as a mod which fixes hundreds if not thousands of bugs in the game although I haven't tried it out yet personally but a lot of people swear by it.
So respawning enemies definitely do not make the game unplayable, however unless one is willing to use the unofficial game patch or be comfortable with googling around for workarounds to the endless bugs in the game, then one might consider it unplayable due to hitting a game breaking bug or one that might not break the game but makes it very unsatisfying and immersion breaking and frustrating. IMHO though if one is patient enough to play all the way through a 200+ hour game, as unacceptable as it is to have to surf the net for hours to find bug workarounds and deploy them, it is minor amount a of time compared to the fun time in the game. :)
amok: I got over 100 hours in Skyrim now, and have yet to encounter a game breaking bug. A few silly ones, like corpses bounces and some clipping gone wrong, but that's about it. I found it very playable, far from the buggiest game I have played. (the only game breaking bug i got was due to an addon which did not work correctly, but that's not Bethesda's fault...) The bigger problem is the tens of trillions of bugs in the game, many of which are game breaking that you may encounter which can totally screw your game over until you search Google and find other people experiencing the problem out there and read up potential solutions and workarounds for the given problem. Fortunately enough though there are many great Skyrim resources online for working around the bazillions of endless bugs in the game. Several Skyrim wikis out there have a section at the bottom of each of their pages for "Bugs" and if/how to get around them, often by going into the game's console and typing commands. There is also an unofficial patch for the game made by the community and available in the Steam workshop as a mod which fixes hundreds if not thousands of bugs in the game although I haven't tried it out yet personally but a lot of people swear by it.
So respawning enemies definitely do not make the game unplayable, however unless one is willing to use the unofficial game patch or be comfortable with googling around for workarounds to the endless bugs in the game, then one might consider it unplayable due to hitting a game breaking bug or one that might not break the game but makes it very unsatisfying and immersion breaking and frustrating. IMHO though if one is patient enough to play all the way through a 200+ hour game, as unacceptable as it is to have to surf the net for hours to find bug workarounds and deploy them, it is minor amount a of time compared to the fun time in the game. :)
Is a bit of an exaggeration and like you with all the mods and unofficial patches,have no problems.