ariaspi: Well, that sucks! What CPU do you have? For that MB's price, you could get a Ryzen 5 1600/X + decent B350 mobo. But you'll have to get DDR4 RAM too, because you currently have DDR3, right? How much RAM do you have?
I just went for the motherboard. Price is a bit steep, but there is no point upgrading cpu and mobo and leaving everything else. I mean, my current configuration can run games on high settings on a 1920x1080 monitor, and that's all I want now. And in 3-4 years I'll get a new PC anyway.
Fortunately, Amazon allowed me to return the graphics card and PSU that I bought. I'm OK with paying 300$; I mean I was willing to pay 300$ to get a new graphics card so ultimately I'm paying that amount to get the problem fixed; whether by getting a new mobo or a new graphics card.