phaolo: Another absurd thing is that this tax is meant to repay the content rights associations for that potential piracy!
I recall watching a video or reading somewhere talking about piracy and lost sales (
I think it was TotalBiscuit about the 7000 keys in steam that was revoked recently, but the video wasn't really about piracy...), and it eventually came down to preventing piracy didn't add to lost sales at all. If someone was going to steal a game they probably had no intention of buying the game anyways, so a game that went uncracked (
or any other number of things) just was never bought or used and was left alone ultimately making it less widespread and less played.
But let's be perfectly honest, 97% of the wealth goes to 3% of the people. This means there are a LOT of poor people who can't actually aford the games or music or whatever, which means: Either go without, or you probably end up getting it another (
perhaps less legal) way. If there was money enough to go around and the economy was good, this probably wouldn't be a problem except to avoid annoying
DRM that's incorporated into the system (
or the convenience to download vs going to the store).