kaboro: Would like to concentrate on the claims of these angry posters first:
1. GOG removed the game because Chinese players complained and since the Chinese players represent a decent cut of the GOG business, they (GOG) didnt want to lose this customer base, so they removed the game.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Literally nobody believes that "Chinese players complained." The only people making that assertion (and even they don't believe it) are apologists for GOG who are fine & dandy with GOG censoring/banning the game, and they are not angry at all....except for being angry
at GOG customers who won't stand for having GOG ban games for censorship reason solely because a foreign political party wants them to.
The second claim in your OP is, conversely,
not made by GOG apologists, but rather, by an entirely distinct group, one comprised of bold tellers of truth who don't bend the knee to tyranny and don't want GOG to do so either, who also don't appreciate GOG lying to them by saying "many gamers" told them to ban the game so that's why they did.
So, the reason why your OP has a 'contradiction' in it, is because you are
conflating a false argument from GOG apologists, with a true argument from truth tellers who aren't GOG apologists, and who aren't afraid to call GOG out on their evil & nefarious behaviors.
As for the end of your OP calling everyone 'idiots' who tells the truth about this matter, well that makes quite clear which of those two camps you fall into.
Finally, the premise of your OP is incorrect. GOG is going to lose
a lot more money by bending the knee to the CCP, and by lying to their customers about it, than they otherwise would have done if they had released the game as they had originally planned to do, before they bowed down to the CCP at the last minute and thus banned it.
Given the fact that i consider you to be one of the most confused posters on these forums, i will take the time to answer you proper, line by line.
You start your post monumentally with a belief stated as fact:
"Nobody believes the Chinese players complained"
Your statement is based on what? you have no facts, and believing or disbelieving in the absence of facts is plain wrong, and you dont even stop there, you go further down the rabbit hole by making this completely baseless statement:
"The only people making that assertion (and even they don't believe it) are apologists for GOG who are fine & dandy with GOG censoring/banning the game".
Seriously dude stop pretending you know who does what and for what reason and present it as fact.
But hey after this point you keep on going along the same algorithm of presenting your own assumptions as facts so i wont even address line by line, because all your lines are one and the same, namely:
You know who the tellers of truth are and you know who the liars are, and their nefarious and evil behaviors and what the false arguments are from the GOG apologists and what the true arguments are from the likes of you.
You also said i call "idiots" all those who tell the truth....this sums up all of the above perfectly, you are one of those people who are convinced they "know the truth", even in the total absence of facts and evidence....nuff said.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: And there is also no proof that GOG even received any messages in the first place.
The fact that you even dare to mention the word "proof" when each and every of your points in this forum are baseless allegations...the irony is overwhelming
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Prove that's what happened then.
brwahahaha you prove any of your crap you stated as fact, me i didnt state this as fact, i just repeated what other players stated as their arguments