Posted December 28, 2020

Kwisatz Haderach
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada

Registered: Apr 2012
From Australia
Posted December 28, 2020
low rated

Hm? That's literally what you said. Or at the very least, implied.
But look, I'm tired of this too, so I'm also going to step away after this message to cool off a bit.
Post edited December 28, 2020 by dycaite

GOG is spiralling down
Registered: Sep 2010
From Germany
Posted December 28, 2020
I hate to disappoint you, but there wasn't any "looking up" involved on my side.
That thread was literally right below this one, and when I replied to the newest comment there, I accidentally stumbled over your comment there, while scrolling down.
That thread was literally right below this one, and when I replied to the newest comment there, I accidentally stumbled over your comment there, while scrolling down.

Registered: Apr 2012
From Australia
Posted December 28, 2020
low rated

Registered: Jun 2013
From Canada
Posted December 28, 2020

If it’s any consolation, there are games that have been turned down by gog that were eventually released with enough community demand. The difference is that the demand was backed up by something more than posting you tubers super cuts.

"Many messages from gamers" = Fake News!
Registered: May 2017
From United States
Posted December 28, 2020
low rated
No, the youtubers don't speak for all gamers.
However, their videos, and their audience members' responses to their videos, proves that a huge preponderance of gamers - meaning literally hundreds of thousands to millions of people - know both that:
a) GOG flagrantly outright lied to them by saying they banned Devotion because "many gamers" told them to
b) GOG bent the knee to the CCP and banned the game solely in order to appease them, which is a fact that GOG is too cowardly to admit, hence their "many gamers" lie
And those, we who are the real many gamers who actually exist (unlike lying GOG's fictitious ones who they just fabricated out of thin air as a scapegoat cover-up for their bending of the knee to the CCP), they are boycotting GOG in droves as a consequence.
They may not raise a huge fuss about it here on the GOG forums (where it seems GOG apologists are now starting to out-number honest gamers who call GOG out on their diabolical crap, hence the mass down-rating of anyone who speaks honestly about this matter), but that silent majority do vote with their wallets, and GOG is financially suffering for that as a consequence, and will continue to do so until if & when they ever decide to "man up" and make things right in regards to this debacle.
By the way, "firstpastthepost," to use your own premise again: do the "many gamers" that GOG alleges caused them to ban the they speak for all gamers? And if not, then why do they get a special privilege to dictate to GOG what games must be banned? Who made them gods or kings over all other gamers? How come normal actual GOG customers don't have that same power to ban games they don't like off of GOG?
However, their videos, and their audience members' responses to their videos, proves that a huge preponderance of gamers - meaning literally hundreds of thousands to millions of people - know both that:
a) GOG flagrantly outright lied to them by saying they banned Devotion because "many gamers" told them to
b) GOG bent the knee to the CCP and banned the game solely in order to appease them, which is a fact that GOG is too cowardly to admit, hence their "many gamers" lie
And those, we who are the real many gamers who actually exist (unlike lying GOG's fictitious ones who they just fabricated out of thin air as a scapegoat cover-up for their bending of the knee to the CCP), they are boycotting GOG in droves as a consequence.
They may not raise a huge fuss about it here on the GOG forums (where it seems GOG apologists are now starting to out-number honest gamers who call GOG out on their diabolical crap, hence the mass down-rating of anyone who speaks honestly about this matter), but that silent majority do vote with their wallets, and GOG is financially suffering for that as a consequence, and will continue to do so until if & when they ever decide to "man up" and make things right in regards to this debacle.
By the way, "firstpastthepost," to use your own premise again: do the "many gamers" that GOG alleges caused them to ban the they speak for all gamers? And if not, then why do they get a special privilege to dictate to GOG what games must be banned? Who made them gods or kings over all other gamers? How come normal actual GOG customers don't have that same power to ban games they don't like off of GOG?
Post edited December 28, 2020 by Ancient-Red-Dragon

There is No Planet B.
Registered: Jul 2012
From Finland
Posted December 28, 2020
Has anyone noticed how GOG never actually said 'many gamers'?
*mind blown*
*mind blown*

"Many messages from gamers" = Fake News!
Registered: May 2017
From United States

There is No Planet B.
Registered: Jul 2012
From Finland
Posted December 28, 2020

0% of my money goes to CD Projekt group
Registered: Nov 2017
From Christmas Island
Posted December 28, 2020
low rated
They said "many messages from gamers," which is equivalent, unless you are suggesting these "many messages" could have been written by just a couple of "gamers," which as a matter of fact, is also a possibility.

"Many messages from gamers" = Fake News!
Registered: May 2017
From United States
Posted December 28, 2020
low rated
Earlier today, it was announced that the game Devotion is coming to GOG. After receiving many messages from gamers, we have decided not to list the game in our store.
Oh, well after looking that up, it appears you may be "technically correct," if one wants to play semantic word games.
Nevertheless, "many gamers" is an accurate truncation/paraphrase of "many messages from gamers," both of which phrases communicate the same idea.
But for the sake of being technically pristine and not 'losing' to semantic word game arguments in the future, henceforth I shall endeavor to cite the GOG's words verbatim, which are equally as diabolical & untruthful as any truncated/paraphrased version of them.
Post edited December 28, 2020 by Ancient-Red-Dragon

Registered: Jun 2013
From Canada
Posted December 28, 2020

However, their videos, and their audience members' responses to their videos, proves that a huge preponderance of gamers - meaning literally hundreds of thousands to millions of people - know both that:
a) GOG flagrantly outright lied to them by saying they banned Devotion because "many gamers" told them to
b) GOG bent the knee to the CCP and banned the game solely in order to appease them, which is a fact that GOG is too cowardly to admit, hence their "many gamers" lie
And those, we who are the real many gamers who actually exist (unlike lying GOG's fictitious ones who they just fabricated out of thin air as a scapegoat cover-up for their bending of the knee to the CCP), they are boycotting GOG in droves as a consequence.
They may not raise a huge fuss about it here on the GOG forums (where it seems GOG apologists are now starting to out-number honest gamers who call GOG out on their diabolical crap, hence the mass down-rating of anyone who speaks honestly about this matter), but that silent majority do vote with their wallets, and GOG is financially suffering for that as a consequence, and will continue to do so until if & when they ever decide to "man up" and make things right in regards to this debacle.
By the way, "firstpastthepost," to use your own premise again: do the "many gamers" that GOG alleges caused them to ban the they speak for all gamers? And if not, then why do they get a special privilege to dictate to GOG what games must be banned? Who made them gods or kings over all other gamers? How come normal actual GOG customers don't have that same power to ban games they don't like off of GOG?
Also, the number of people who liked that video is hardly a “preponderance of gamers”. What you’re insisting people know is really speculation. I agree that it is likely that the motivation to cancel releasing the game came from a government compliant rather than from gamers, but I don’t know that because I can’t know that, and neither can you.

There is No Planet B.
Registered: Jul 2012
From Finland

GOG is spiralling down
Registered: Sep 2010
From Germany

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From Switzerland