GamezRanker: 1. How many people with colored hair and hipster glasses and etc work for or run that company?
(cuz I bet there are some of those types on staff or running the joint, if they hold such views)
Always got the feeling that Fireflower was an one-person affair. And he has his target clearly set and stated, games focusing on story, by which he seems to generally understand retro adventures, and with little or preferably even no violence. Probably very "safe" stuff in general, so anything that may bother is likely out as a rule.
Time4Tea: The
wishlist request for Devotion currently has over 8000 votes. If Zoom Platform were to sell it at $20 a pop and 8000 people bought it, that's $160,000 right there for the taking.
Would even 10% of those who voted actually buy it at full price? And on a store that's not the one they voted to get it on? And which store also is very limited in terms of the payment options offered? (Not to mention that some, as the dedicated thread shows, still insist on being suspicious about its legality despite the evidence.) And then consider what their actual share is, with most going to the dev, and also deduct taxes and fees. They're looking at a couple thousand in profits. Maybe.
It'd be far more of an image hit than a financial one. But the image hit would be significant I'd say.
Which leads to the question of whether they want to become front page news. Still strike me as being quite happy with being a niche side project, not a major aspect of the company and mainly for those in the know, not looking for a general audience.