llamas: I bet the Zoom platform owners would be super happy to know that there are actually people talking about their store here. I also bet that they contribute such a small amount of sales that they are just a rounding error for most publishers so it's easy to see why they have forgotten their existence.
I also highly doubt that Devotion will get released on the Zoom Platform. If Red Candle wanted to release their games on other stores besides Steam, GOG and Epic they would definitely go with itch.io first. I don't think that itch.io is so dependent on Chinese investment yet that they have to worry about making China mad, but they also don't have Detention there either, so there's no precedent to release this game.
I think Zoom-platform is like fire flower games, just a side project, DRM-Free store that offers some games for sale, but is not a big priority and that's fine. I just bought KGB and Commander Blood from there. The publisher is Microids and the developer is Cryo so it's not like the devs are going to see a cent of my money either way. I'll just save the offline installer and if the store exists in the future and expands great, if not, I have copies that will likely still work on windows 15 since they run in DOSBox so no problem for me.
Also GOG please learn some lessons from all your recent (and past) bad press and do better. Stop calling us gamers, stop your edgy marketing,it's insulting and stop pretending like you are "one of the good guys and are fighting against DRM", you are not.
Timboli: You say a bunch of sensible sounding things, then spoil it right at the end by saying something nonsensical.
If GOG, who have over 99% of their store selling DRM-Free games, aren't the good guys, then who are?
There's certainly no-one else out there doing as much for DRM-Free as they have been doing.
It's the typical old story, of someone who has done a thousand great things, doing one bad thing and that's all some want to recall and judge them by ... just stupid and illogical, and says more about the person who is being like that.
The reason for the backlash and framing as GOG as bad is due to them...well...being bad? You can't sell yourself as ''Truly gamer friendly DRM-free online gaming platform. Classic & new PC games, great offers, friendly staff, awesome community!'' When you blame ''the gamers'' for not selling the game, even though that makes no sense given they announced they pulled it so quickly after the dev tweet it wouldn't have left room for ''da gamers'' to even have input.
As for DRM-Free (by the way, you heard much about fck-drm day or checked their website they setup for it recently?), the lack of care with the offline installers is becoming more charted and recorded by the userbase. Plus, it's pretty clear to see where they see their future in clients.
As for presevation...i mean you can't champion that then bury a game you know?
As for community...what community? The one they fear? The one they refuse to interact with outside of the same 3 tenor GIFs?
The reframing wasn't done by the users, it was done by them.
I understand you love GOG, I still enjoy the service and treasure the games they have that would have been lost in time...but that's another issue, they don't even seem to understand they have those games or how important that is.
The change in view is not a sudden one, but a slow burn which keeps on changing.