toma85: The funny thing is that the very first three search results on Google for "CHANGE: A Homeless Survival Experience Download" are cracked Steam versions (v2.0). A GOG version (v1.9) appears later in the results.
That probably depends on where you look for it.
If you are searching some crackwatch sites, obviously GOG versions never show up there, because there's nothing to crack.
But if you use some torrent search engines, GOG versions actually can show up first.
I don't think too many people use Google to search for pirate games.
Alexim: I leave this publicly released statement from the only developer left working on the game for posterity, make of that what you will:
Danny-Hayes: Hey there, sorry for not doing a proper announcement.
[...] Since I have done wrong by the gog community, and because updating the game on gog at the last minute could possibly cause more piracy links to pop up, ironically, I would advise that gog players simply go ahead and pirate the latest version (it's pretty easy to find). I could provide steam keys or something, but I also won't do wrong by gog by taking players to another platform. [...]
Alexim: I love how that statement is so wrong in so many ways.
First of all, I love how his alternative to GOG people is first to pirate the game, and only after that consider "Steam or something".
But there's also a lovely logical error there.
If GOG is the cause of piracy, then where does the latest version for the disappointed GOG users to pirate comes from? Steam?
And how would updating the GOG version "at the last minute" have anything to do with piracy, if pirates have already got the game during the earlier minutes?