abr_alex: I want to preorder this game NOW!
Yeah right, preording the game is very beneficial... to publisher.
Gersen: So maybe the bullet spongy-ness of the enemies is simply because the player character is low level and/or hasn't put a lot of points in the weapons skill and therefore does very little damage.
So the the high guns related skill will make same bullets put more damage. I don't like this, don't like at all. Is it a proper pen-a-paper approach in the world of Cyberpunk?
ReynardFox: So much pessimism around here... to me this looked astonishingly good, both audiovisually and mechanically.
It's looking fantastic, but the big city seems too narrow more like a corridor with invisible walls here and there with some low res textures and empty floors up high as decorations. I do hope they'll get us an open world. At the moment I can see only a solid FPS a-la Deux Ex and nothng more.
BreOl72: Of course it's still
wip, so I'm gonna withhold my final judgement for now, but I wasn't really 100% stoked by what I've seen.
Agreed. It's too early to judje the product. Let's hope for the best. Current presentation is good but not special.