FearfulSymmetry: In Groningen, in the north of the Netherlands. Apart from Leeuwarden, it's pretty much the only large city in the north of the country, and it's pretty much the center of civilization around here. The city also has the only university in the north of the country - the nearest other university is in Germany. :P
I just did a search on Google and it looks like they're building more student flats ... I'm not too happy about that, even if I'm a student myself. I dislike noise and partying, and I quite like living among 'regular' people. :P
LaPtiteBete: I only know Amsterdam and Rotterdam... :")
I Googled Groningen... I didn't pictured you were so close to Germany ! :-) (but it's normal, I've always sucked in Geography).
Lol... I hope you won't have too many "party" students arround you then... ^^
Well, it would take me slightly over two hours to get to Amsterdam. The Netherlands is quite small, so nothing is ever really far away, but still, it's not close. Most of the Dutch people living in the area near Amsterdam regard the north as uncivilized. :P But it has a lot of advantages to live here. Because it's so isolated, the city has everything you could possibly need within hand's reach. As we say around here, 'er gaat niets boven Groningen', which means 'there's nothing better than Groningen', but it also means 'there's nothing above Groningen', which is true, geographically speaking. :P
Yes, before I moved here a year ago, I used to live even closer to Germany, right next to the border.