EndreWhiteMane: Sand can also really irritate a girlfriend. :/
I bet it would. It's not something I have ever really considered, as I can imagine the downside to it all. It might look romantic on movies, but I think it would not be worth the effort. A nice comfy bed would be just as good, and less irritating. :-)
gunsynd: Yeah,but that's at least boiled...
Well I don't know how the water is in Oz, but over here the water is cleaned before it reached the tap. Plus I have a filtration thing on the tap itself, just to take out all the unwanted minerals in the water that are left over from it been cleaned. They are harmless, but it tastes a lot nice with them filtered out.
EndreWhiteMane: **** Public Announcement **** Now that so many are here remember that it's "+1 the hell out of gunsynd week"!
We have one week to get him to the 3 digits, and contrary to his opinion he DOES deserve it. :-)
But Skippy wanted to earn his rank. So now what do I do? Do I abide by his wishes and let him earn them, or do we have some fun and help him reach his 100 points?
moonshineshadow: Send over some curry ok? :D Sounds awesome.
Hello, Moon! *big hug*
How has the week been treating you so far?
adaliabooks: I second this. Specifically The Life of Brian and Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Comedy gold.
I likes most of the Monty Python stuff. It was not as good once John Cleese left, but it was a very interesting and wacky show, with some very funny moments. I like a lot of Terry Gilliam films as well, especially stuff like Brazil. You can see how working with the others had rubbed off on him.