Soccorro: >:( You evil...PERSON!
I think you are just being mean. *goes back to playing good old top view GTA.* :-)
CarrionCrow: Not a problem, just grabbed some.
Hopefully so. Would much rather things just go smoothly for you.
I'll pick it up eventually. Not worried about it right now. Already have more than enough games to play at the moment.
Also, before I forget, Colleen wanted me to pass along her message - she says hi to everyone. =)
I would as well, but overall things do seem to be getting better. There are a few things that are not so good, but overall my health is getting there slowly. I am able to do a little more, even if it is not as much as I would like. Hopefully it will take a rapid turn soon and I can get back on my feet and start being more active.
I think we all do, but then I think we are all now victims of game hoarding. :-)
That is lovely of her. Be sure to say hello back.
And while I remember, have you ever played the game Blade of Darkness? I figured with your collection it would be possible that you have played it before, but if not no worries.
FearfulSymmetry: Yeah. I'm pretty pissed off at him right now, especially as he's also trying to lay this on us even though it's clearly his task to pay the bills, considering that he's our landlord and that's precisely what we pay him rent for every month ... One of my housemates was in tears this morning out of sheer despair. Luckily the people who came to disconnect us felt sorry for us and were pretty lenient.
*thank you hug*
I can understand you being angry, you have every right to be angry at him, especially as it is all his fault. Will you be okay if they do cut everything off? It has been some time since I studies law (and even then it was UK law), but are they allowed to cut off the utilities if tenants are there and it is the fault of the landlord?
*even bigger hug and hoping it will be okay*