Posted February 14, 2016

But,, what the heck do you drink, Moon... You don't want my coffee... you refuse my beer... ! :-)
Yeah, it was cool !! I met Fearful !!! :D
♪┏(°.°)┛┗(°.°)┓┗(°.°)┛┏(°.°)┓ ♪
♪┏(°.°)┛┗(°.°)┓┗(°.°)┛┏(°.°)┓ ♪
♪┏(°.°)┛┗(°.°)┓┗(°.°)┛┏(°.°)┓ ♪
♪┏(°.°)┛┗(°.°)┓┗(°.°)┛┏(°.°)┓ ♪
She's so cool. And I met her sister too (but because of my bad English, I didn't understand her name) :"|
We saw the Bowie exposition together (but couldn't talk much because we had headphones all along, and Fearful's team was quicker than us to see the expo stuff) :-D
I think I made both of them feel ill at ease when I automatically kiss them on the cheeks as a greeting, though :-D haha [/French are rude weirdos]
(You can kiss me on the cheek anytime) :-)
*big hug*