j0ekerr: I picked a shovel and went digging through old posts to read what others had said about Edna & Harvey. Like a goth throught a graveyard on a saturday night.
A game about insane locked up psychos attempting to escape and full of black-as-Crow's-coffee humour...
My kinda thing!
If I can throw my two cents about Edna & Harvey: The Breakout.
The writing is fun and funny, there is a lot of environmental flavor text and the characters are generally likable. However the actual gameplay is a bit boring and the writing isn't strong enough to cover it forever. I LOVE games/movies/books/etc with "out there" characters but I ended up shutting down my playthrough of Edna & Harvey: The Breakout after about three hours (of progress, not total). I may pick it up again someday but I have no interest in it right now.
However if I can throw a recommendation your way, check out Fran Bow! It's another point & click adventure game with a real dark feel, and yes there is some grim humor too. The writing is completely fantastic, the characters are great, the puzzles can be really grim, the music is really good...it's basically just a 9/10 or 101/10, by my standards at least. It was my 2015 Game of the Year.