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ddickinson: You are officially sick until Tuesday? Is that German efficiency, where you schedule when you will be sick and when you will not? :-)

But on a serious note I am sorry that it will be effecting your work, but I do hope that the medication will help fight it off so you can feel much better soon.

*big get well soon hug*
toxicTom: Yeah, that's German efficiency ;-)

Now I really don't know what to do with myself. Started watching a movie, gave up after half an hour. Reading is too straining too. Don't feel like games either. And I'm not tired enough to sleep.
Soccorro: Been to the hospital. Mom is still in a coma.
toxicTom: :-(

*big hugs*
Any guesses what today's possible special thing could be?

More games by Daedalic or Wadjet Eye? Are they leaving? Is it a nice Valentines Day special something? Who knows, but bets starts now. :-)
Thank you all for your nice words! *hugs*

Soccorro: Been to the hospital. Mom is still in a coma.
I'm sorry to hear that and hope that things turn out well. Didn't hear of that before, as I wasn't even lurking the last days. But if you need to talk, you know how to reach me! *hug*

ddickinson: You don't have to worry about sharing your problems here, the place is full of quite a few lovely and caring people who I am sure would be more than happy to lend a friendly ear and offer some support.

I am not really up on my German employment law, but are they able to just dismiss your wife without giving a justified reason like that? Will she at least be getting redundancy pay of some sort? And in regards to the reference letter, in the UK at least there is some degree of legal protection towards them lying on their letters, is that not the case in Germany? I know you mentioned the union being able to help, but does Germany not have legal backing in the form of an employment tribunal?

I am guessing maybe not. I really hope your wife will be able to get some help and that she finally gets the reference she deserves. I wish you both the best of luck, and I hope that the bad parts are behind you now for the most part and things will keep improving.
No, I don't worry bothering you - I know that here are great people all around. I just didn't feel like writing this down until now.

My wife could be dismissed without reason because her boss has less then 10 employees, so there won't be any redundancy pay. But fortunately the german unemployment insurance is quite good for the first 12 months, so there will be not too much financial trouble and we have time to find something better.

According the reference letter: German laws say they have to be good willing, what's definitely not the case. It reads as if she's willing to destroy my wife's career entirely. Going to court is always quite expensive, ut the union told us today they're willing to take all legal actions on her behalf, so there's hope. It's just shocking to see all this hatred, but now we now what poisened the atmosphere at her workplace all the time.
Post edited February 11, 2016 by PalioDeMonte
PalioDeMonte: Thank you all for your nice words! *hugs*

Soccorro: Been to the hospital. Mom is still in a coma.
PalioDeMonte: I'm sorry to hear that and hope that things turn out well. Didn't hear of that before, as I wasn't even lurking the last days. But if you need to talk, you know how to reach me! *hug*

ddickinson: You don't have to worry about sharing your problems here, the place is full of quite a few lovely and caring people who I am sure would be more than happy to lend a friendly ear and offer some support.

I am not really up on my German employment law, but are they able to just dismiss your wife without giving a justified reason like that? Will she at least be getting redundancy pay of some sort? And in regards to the reference letter, in the UK at least there is some degree of legal protection towards them lying on their letters, is that not the case in Germany? I know you mentioned the union being able to help, but does Germany not have legal backing in the form of an employment tribunal?

I am guessing maybe not. I really hope your wife will be able to get some help and that she finally gets the reference she deserves. I wish you both the best of luck, and I hope that the bad parts are behind you now for the most part and things will keep improving.
PalioDeMonte: No, I don't worry bothering you - I know that here are great people all around. I just didn't feel like writing this down until now.

My wife could be dismissed without reason because her boss has less then 10 employees, so there won't be any redundancy pay. But fortunately the german unemployment ensurance is quite good for the first 12 months, so there will be not too much financial trouble and we have time to find something better.

According the reference letter: German laws say they have to be good willing, what's definitely not the case. It reads as if she's willing to destroy my wife's career entirely. Going to court is always quite expensive, ut the union told us today they're willing to take all legal actions on her behalf, so there's hope. It's just shocking to see all this hatred, but now we now what poisened the atmosphere at her workplace all the time.
Oh this is the first time i'm posting about it on the forum.
ddickinson: Any guesses what today's possible special thing could be?

More games by Daedalic or Wadjet Eye? Are they leaving? Is it a nice Valentines Day special something? Who knows, but bets starts now. :-)
Maybe Shardlight from Wadjet Eye will be made available for pre-order today. It comes out in a little under a month.
Maybe they could throw in the missing Wadjet Eye games while they are at it. Emerald City Confidential, Puzzle Bots, and Da New Guys. (Unlikely, but I can dream...)
PalioDeMonte: No, I don't worry bothering you - I know that here are great people all around. I just didn't feel like writing this down until now.

My wife could be dismissed without reason because her boss has less then 10 employees, so there won't be any redundancy pay. But fortunately the german unemployment ensurance is quite good for the first 12 months, so there will be not too much financial trouble and we have time to find something better.

According the reference letter: German laws say they have to be good willing, what's definitely not the case. It reads as if she's willing to destroy my wife's career entirely. Going to court is always quite expensive, ut the union told us today they're willing to take all legal actions on her behalf, so there's hope. It's just shocking to see all this hatred, but now we now what poisened the atmosphere at her workplace all the time.
That is good to hear, at least there are some positive things happening among everything else. Fingers crossed everything will turn out okay with it all.

AgentBirdnest: Maybe Shardlight from Wadjet Eye will be made available for pre-order today. It comes out in a little under a month.
Maybe they could throw in the missing Wadjet Eye games while they are at it. Emerald City Confidential, Puzzle Bots, and Da New Guys. (Unlikely, but I can dream...)
But would a regular release justify an early weekend sale? Maybe if we got a batch of games, but I don't see the reason for just a single release.

And hello, Mr Agent! Dare I hope that this morning finds you feeling any better?

*big hug*
Post edited February 11, 2016 by ddickinson
AgentBirdnest: Maybe Shardlight from Wadjet Eye will be made available for pre-order today. It comes out in a little under a month.
Maybe they could throw in the missing Wadjet Eye games while they are at it. Emerald City Confidential, Puzzle Bots, and Da New Guys. (Unlikely, but I can dream...)
I'm so looking forward to Shardlight! :)
ddickinson: But would a regular release justify an early weekend sale? Maybe if we got a batch of games, but I don't see the reason for just a single release.

And hello, Mr Agent! Dare I hope that this morning finds you feeling any better?

*big hug*
Probably not. I just want more Wadjet Eye games :-)

I'm not too cold today, which is relieving. Being a special brand of Complaining Optimist™, I'm quite happy with that. Every little win counts. For me, losing my first 52 games of FTL was worth it to finally get a win :-)

What do you think is possibly in store for us today/tomorrow on GOG?

*big return hug*
FearfulSymmetry: I'm so looking forward to Shardlight! :)
Me too. I'm still in the middle of Technobabylon with Owl. Once that is finished, Shardlight will have permission to be released ;-)
Post edited February 11, 2016 by AgentBirdnest
AgentBirdnest: Probably not. I just want more Wadjet Eye games :-)

I'm not too cold today, which is relieving. Being a special brand of Complaining Optimist™, I'm quite happy with that. Every little win counts. For me, losing my first 52 games of FTL was worth it to finally get a win :-)

What do you think is possibly in store for us today/tomorrow on GOG?

*big return hug*
I know, and hopefully we will get them here for you soon.

That is good to hear. And you finally won on FTL? That is good to hear as well, were any of us among the survivors?

I am guessing maybe nothing, just GOG teasing again. More GiD games, or another batch of games form one of the publishers. Not anything really new, but just enough to get them endless praise for giving us the scraps they have left after they sold all they would sell on Steam. :-)

*big seemingly in a bit of a cynical mood hug*
ddickinson: That is good to hear. And you finally won on FTL? That is good to hear as well, were any of us among the survivors?

I am guessing maybe nothing, just GOG teasing again. More GiD games, or another batch of games form one of the publishers. Not anything really new, but just enough to get them endless praise for giving us the scraps they have left after they sold all they would sell on Steam. :-)

*big seemingly in a bit of a cynical mood hug*
I didn't win recently. I won my first game a couple of years ago, on my 53rd attempt. But right now, I'm on a 32-game losing streak since reinstalling the game with a fresh save file a couple of months ago.

Well, Steam scraps are still nice to have here, for the most part :-) I've bought a few DRM-free backups here of games I already had on Steam. Not a lot, but a few.

*optimistic mood hug* ;-)
AgentBirdnest: I didn't win recently. I won my first game a couple of years ago, on my 53rd attempt. But right now, I'm on a 32-game losing streak since reinstalling the game with a fresh save file a couple of months ago.

Well, Steam scraps are still nice to have here, for the most part :-) I've bought a few DRM-free backups here of games I already had on Steam. Not a lot, but a few.

*optimistic mood hug* ;-)
I see. Well only 21 more games until you reach lucky 53. Let's see if history will repeat itself. :-)

That is true, although I tend to think the praise publishers get for treating us second class is a little unnecessary.

*big not really cynical but maybe a little too warn out and tired hug* :-)
ddickinson: I see. Well only 21 more games until you reach lucky 53. Let's see if history will repeat itself. :-)

That is true, although I tend to think the praise publishers get for treating us second class is a little unnecessary.

*big not really cynical but maybe a little too warn out and tired hug* :-)
I have a strange feeling that it will... It's probably a psychological thing. Deep down, maybe I want history to repeat, just to make for an interesting story :-p

Well, then we will be happy that a publisher adds more games here, but we can still say "It's about time!" and demand more and newer games with bonus goodies. Who likes publishers, anyway? (except Wadjet Eye... don't you dare say a bad word about Mr Gilbert >:-p)

Maybe you should start giving people the middle finger, instead of hugs ;-)
*big silly hug*
AgentBirdnest: I have a strange feeling that it will... It's probably a psychological thing. Deep down, maybe I want history to repeat, just to make for an interesting story :-p

Well, then we will be happy that a publisher adds more games here, but we can still say "It's about time!" and demand more and newer games with bonus goodies. Who likes publishers, anyway? (except Wadjet Eye... don't you dare say a bad word about Mr Gilbert >:-p)

Maybe you should start giving people the middle finger, instead of hugs ;-)
*big silly hug*
Just be sure to pick a cool ship name and crew for that mission, just in case lady luck pays you another visit. :-)

Who is Mr Gilbert? o_O

But why would I want to do that? I would not want to give a hug to someone who annoyed me, so it would mean me giving the middle finger to people I would hug, and that would be so mean. :-(

*big hug with no middle finger*
Another quick "I'm still alive" hello. My heart goes out to Soccorro and Palio, I'll be keeping you and your families in my thoughts! Tom and any/all other sickies, feel better soon!

I haven't done the best job of catching up, so I'm not saying half of what I ought to... I awoke a bit late and need to check on the pupster. I do hope you all have a lovely day, or as close to it as you're able.

I'll catch up a bit better on the past few pages and hopefully have a bit more to say the next time I come to relax at the computer for a few. :)

*hugs and waves all around*
akhliber: ...
*big hug and hoping you have a great day*