EndreWhiteMane: Any comments on Edna and Harvey? Fun, creepy, both?
I don't mind scary games but creepy doesn't go well with my anxiety issues. :/
Hmm... I think they might be solid good games. I have a vague recollection of playing The Breakout in some older form very long time ago... That seemed a lot of fun. But there might be a fair dose of creepiness involved, though.
I might suggest the newer one first, maybe it might be less anxiety-causing.
Oh, there's also other good adventure games on sale :)
ddickinson: But then you are stuck with the real problem... you will be using the dreaded Windows 10. :-)
But I hope they will be able to fix it for you soon and not cause you to chase them up too much.
she'll be stuck, mu-ha-ha-ha! :P
Actually... I have Win 10 too, so ... maybe this sharing of pain will be.. sort of a bonding-thing :P
Aside for joking... Thank you for support ;) ... Talking in this thread has a nice calming effect.