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was just reading the twitch schedule of gog - abc murders get a release stream tomorrow. There's also another release stream with no name attached, tomorrow. maybe we get a classic release tomorrow? :) ... maaaybe...
Goddamnit. Hate this fucking game at this point, 150+ hours in, sick to death of it, but still playing it while kinda wanting to take my controller and bust someone in the mouth with it, just because.
Post edited February 04, 2016 by CarrionCrow
GabesterOne: meh, that is pretty much me when I play dungeon crawlers, as I feel like stumbling around is the best way to find secrets in a dungeon (with out using walkthroughs).
alright, I'm not crazy (alone) :P
CarrionCrow: ...
Oh I am not saying the big drug companies are innocent, they would sell poison as medicine if they could get away with it. They care little for what effect it could have, just as long as they make money.

Of course, most of the regulars here are adults, for the most part. :-)

Yep, no point in making people worry. People have enough stuff on their own to deal with, let alone someone else's major problems.

I wonder if their attitude to Windows 10 is to force updates on people. Before now people like me can choose to stay on Windows 7, but if Windows 10 would package it as a regular update along with security fixes then I would have no choice. Sadly we are at the age of companies owning everything, they want full control of the OS, what it can do, and what you can do on it. Then there is the horrible spying that Windows 10 does and no doubt will get better at as the updates come. I believe Microsoft where one of the companies backing increased monitoring of people by governments, and corrupt companies, of course. :-)

That is true, but what would stop them doing both? As I said, GOG for example would do all the hard work of trying to get the game to work. But what would an old game really make? Very little I would asume, definitely not enough to even justify the consideration by such a large corporation like Fox.

It seems many things in physical form are getting more expensive, probably just to push customers to the digital versions, versions that are often lined with DRM. As I said, it seems to be getting all about control, and more and more the case that we don't actually own or buy anything, we just lease a licence to it.

True, I think Kickstarter will either continue as it is, or just fail as more and more people are burned by it. But hey, you could always go use the Double Fine version by Tim. I mean, he has proven himself trustworthy with peoples' money. :-)

AgentBirdnest: Yeah, I'd like to see that finished. It is in early access over on the competition... I wonder if it will be here too.
... seriously, what is the deal with all the early access and in-dev stuff? I'm not a fan at all. Games used to be sold once they were finished, if I remember correctly :-p

I don't think I've finished any Telltale complete seasons. I play one or two episodes, get bored, and let it sit on my shelf for a few more years. ... I have problems :-| I just don't seem to want to finish my games.
I know, let's get your old people clothes on and get our rocking chairs and complain how these young whippersnappers are ruining our gaming industry. Where is Endre, we can all go sit on his lawn and yell at the kids while we are at it. Damn kids, on second thoughts, where my walking stick, I want to beat a few for listning to that horrible modern hippadyhop music. :-)

Exactly, which then effects the sales of the next episode and can mean no new episodes. That is why I tend to wait until a game is finished. At least with games like The Last Door it stands okay as it is. It is open ended but it feels like a full story and not too big a cliffhanger.

CarrionCrow: Goddamnit. Hate this fucking game at this point, 150+ hours in, sick to death of it, but still playing it while kinda wanting to take my controller and bust someone in the mouth with it, just because.
You could always just stop playing and pick another game. I know, I know, we in the old world are out of touch a little, but sometimes the old ways are the best. :-)

superstande: howzy!

was just reading the twitch schedule of gog - abc murders get a release stream tomorrow. There's also another release stream with no name attached, tomorrow. maybe we get a classic release tomorrow? :) ... maaaybe...
We can hope, a nice classic would be fun. Or maybe we will just get more early access games. :-)
Post edited February 04, 2016 by ddickinson
Good evening everyon *big hugs and waves* :)
Take care, everyone. I will be going now but I trust you will all behave. Have a lovely day! :-)

*hugs and waves*

ElTerprise: Good evening everyon *big hugs and waves* :)
Good evening, ELT!

And goodbye. :-)

I hope you have a lovely evening.

*big hug*
Post edited February 04, 2016 by ddickinson
ddickinson: Take care, everyone. I will be going now but I trust you will all behave. Have a lovely day! :-)

*hugs and waves*

Good evening, ELT!

And goodbye. :-)

I hope you have a lovely evening.

*big hug*
Hey and goodbye DD *big hug*
Thank you - i wish you a great evening and take care :)
That about sums it up. One of the reasons why I don't take pills and deal with shit on my own. They could fry my brain until it resembled the filling of a grilled cheese sandwich and not even begin to give a damn.

-laughs- Very true, on both counts.

Right. Playing amateur psychologist is a good way to end up very stressed, very fast. No point whatsoever in inflicting that on people you actually care about.

That does indeed seem to be their plan. Get people locked into 10, then stuck with it if they want to use anything Windows-related from here on out.
Figuring that they'll keep trying to monitor everything a person does with their system, latching onto the innocent as well as the guilty.

It would depend on the game. Some are still good, some aren't. Would prefer as much restoration as possible to preserve the past, but corps couldn't give less of a shit about that unless it makes them a lot of money.

Pretty much. If companies can maintain total control, more often than not they'll go that route. Maybe it'll change, but it's going to take a lot of people getting burned to trigger that shift.

Uh huh...right. I'll totally go spend money on that. Honest. Pretty sure I'd rather pay a prostitute. At least then, it's clear from the outset that I'm going to get fucked.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled it at least 30 times. It's not even that good of a game when you play it to hell and back, but it just refuses to die, so my dumb ass keeps loading it back up.

Have a good evening, D. Good talking with you, see you later on. =)
Post edited February 04, 2016 by CarrionCrow
Haven't seen anyone mention it here, so before I forget, the new Wadjet Eye game Shardlight is set to come out on March 8th.
It's on the upcoming tab, and that falls on a Tuesday, so it could be a day 1 release here.
CarrionCrow: Haven't seen anyone mention it here, so before I forget, the new Wadjet Eye game Shardlight is set to come out on March 8th.
It's on the upcoming tab, and that falls on a Tuesday, so it could be a day 1 release here.
Woooooooo \o/ *Hitting F5 over and over waiting for the pre-order button to show up* ,'',,'','',',','):-|
AgentBirdnest: Woooooooo \o/ *Hitting F5 over and over waiting for the pre-order button to show up* ,'',,'','',',','):-|
Just looked, not seeing any mention of pre-orders on their site or through the rental service. It's only about a month off, they might just go with a straight release.
Looking over the posts that I missed I see 3 pertinent things:

1.) Someone inferred that I might be an adult. This is wrong.
2.) I love grilled cheese sandwiches.
3.) I don't know if I'm smart enough to play The yeah, C Murders.

Howdy Y'all. :-)
Speaking of upcoming games. Pony Island is also coming to GOG...curious about that game.

And Hi Agent, Crow and Endre and lurkers :)
Post edited February 04, 2016 by ElTerprise
EndreWhiteMane: Looking over the posts that I missed I see 3 pertinent things:

1.) Someone inferred that I might be an adult. This is wrong.
2.) I love grilled cheese sandwiches.
3.) I don't know if I'm smart enough to play The yeah, C Murders.

Howdy Y'all. :-)
I haven't been paying attention at all, so I'll rely on your summary to fill me in.
1.) Funny, the same thing happens to me.
2.) Same here!
3.) I'LL take it!
ElTerprise: and lurkers :)
...oh! Wait! Shoot! I talked! Dang!
Post edited February 04, 2016 by zeogold
zeogold: Hi.
...oh! Wait! Shoot! I talked! Dang!
Hi former lurker :)
EndreWhiteMane: Looking over the posts that I missed I see 3 pertinent things:

1.) Someone inferred that I might be an adult. This is wrong.
2.) I love grilled cheese sandwiches.
3.) I don't know if I'm smart enough to play The yeah, C Murders.

Howdy Y'all. :-)
1) What makes an adult?
2) Yummy...same here :)
3) Hm....might give it a shot at some point - it features the most famous french....i mean belgian detective after all :)
Post edited February 04, 2016 by ElTerprise