toxicTom: Actually I wouldn't call that game "dating sim". It's match-3 and quiz. Actual dating sims rely more on character backgrounds and dialogue.
But it's true, the game delivers exactly what it promises, and it's all well done. I really like the voice-over, the drawing style is not exactly my taste, but it's ok.
I can really recommend SRTT (SR2 won't playably run on my machine). It's often compared to GTA, but apart from the obvious similarities (open-world city, gangsters and co, cars and guns), I find they really are different in terms of "feeling". SR is more funny, comedy with a bit of sarcasm, while GTA (even before IV) is more rooted in reality - more like a bitter satire on the American dream with some crazy hilarity to brighten it up.
At least SR managed what only a few games did: Having me actually laughing out loud in front of the screen.
I see... *makes a note to not offend any game which features slutty anime girls* :-)
I have not really played any dating sims, so I don't really know what qualifies a game as one or not. How would you have liked the style to be other than anime? I think the anime helps with the whole silly aesthetics, being more realistic might make it more creepy. I mean the game does involve you getting girls drunk just to sleep with them, which is horrible. I do wish anime would not be so over the top with breasts, they just look silly with all the huge boobs. The costumes were nice though, some of them were very cute.
I don't think I have ever played any of the 3D GTA games. I have played the original 2D top view ones, but never the 3D open world ones. I have heard many people praise Saint's Row, so maybe one day I will look into it and see if I would enjoy it.
toxicTom: Installing Outlast now...
PS: Seems I don't have the DLC yet. I'll first give the main game a try.
Be sure to play it in the dark and with headphones, it is so much better. The DLC is often on sale here, so no need to rush, especially as you might not like the game. I found it really fun, it can be frustrating sometimes and drag a little in the middle, but overall it was great. I liked the story and some of the characters and their backstories were good, especially if you get immersed with it all. Let me know what you think if you get around to playing it.