FoxySage: Yeah, the early 3D graphics didn't age well with those games. I didn't play many games back then that used them, but i remember the 3D-ish/2.5D-ish? graphics from Civilization: Test of Time looked quite horrid.
But I guess it was all necessary. If they didn't keep using it and perfecting it, then we would have had no 3D games. Sometimes the old 2D game look better than the newer 3D games. There's just something about the look of an isometric strategy game with pre-rendered scenery that can look a lot better than a 3D version, which often has low quality textures.
l0rdtr3k: Probably the first and Winter Assault(it has the best campaing of the series).
Winter Assault was a fun game. The later levels were not so good, still fun, but not as much fun as the earlier levels. I think the first game had the better voice acting, overall.