ddickinson: We tend to do Yoga first thing in the morning. It is nice to start the day with some exercise to get the blood pumping. I normally like to go for a little run before work in the morning, but Yoga or swimming can be good as well. I don't mind exercise on the evening, or at anytime really, but I tend to prefer it in the morning, which leaves the evening free to enjoy, and if I am feeling too tired I don't have to worry about getting some sleep as I already did my exercise in the morning.
*big soothing hug for Fearful's misbehaving neck and shoulder muscles*
Yep, morning is probably the best time to do it, as it's a good start to the day. Unfortunately I tend to be really slow waking up in the mornings, so unless my classes don't start until the afternoon I can never manage to fit in any yoga then. :P
*thank you hug*
I know we've already had a lot of sales, but I wonder if GOG's going to do anything for Christmas as well. Having Christmas without a sale seems a bit empty somehow. :P