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ddickinson: Have fun with your Secret Santa!

*goes off to be naughty, because being naughty is more fun.* :-)
So you're naughty now ? >:-| ... no presents for you !!! you'll find only a potato in your sock, young lady !!!
moonshineshadow: If you are joining Secret Santa, will you post a seperate wishlist or will you use your public wishlist?
*big hug without any hidden agenda*
Empress_Owl: Eeeer... Idon't know !! ,',',,',',',' ):-|
which is the best option ?... what are the differences ?...
what the heck do you mean, and what are you hiding behind there... hey ?!? ):-\
**Big i don't-understand-everything hug**
The best option is of course to choose some games from your wishlist and post them as "Secret Santa wishlist" in the thread. Otherwise if using your public wishlist you can't get any games from it before the Secret Santa event is over
*big hug*
moonshineshadow: The best option is of course to choose some games from your wishlist and post them as "Secret Santa wishlist" in the thread. Otherwise if using your public wishlist you can't get any games from it before the Secret Santa event is over
*big hug*
That could be a solution to prevent me from buying more games... :D
No, I'll do what you told. It's much better....
**Big santa ho-ho-ho hug**
moonshineshadow: The best option is of course to choose some games from your wishlist and post them as "Secret Santa wishlist" in the thread. Otherwise if using your public wishlist you can't get any games from it before the Secret Santa event is over
*big hug*
Empress_Owl: That could be a solution to prevent me from buying more games... :D
No, I'll do what you told. It's much better....
**Big santa ho-ho-ho hug**
*extra big thank you hug*
Ugh, today is not a good day. I injured my finger yesterday, woke up with a massive headache today, and when I went to the university to discuss my dissertation I discovered that my supervisor was ill and that I had made the trip for nothing. I still have to clean the bathroom and hallway today, but I also have a massive stack of homework. Next week I have to give an hour-long presentation and hand in the first version of my text edition + introduction, and I hardly have any time to work on all that this weekend. How I'm going to get all of it done in time is beyond me right now.

/end rant
FearfulSymmetry: Ugh, today is not a good day. I injured my finger yesterday, woke up with a massive headache today, and when I went to the university to discuss my dissertation I discovered that my supervisor was ill and that I had made the trip for nothing. I still have to clean the bathroom and hallway today, but I also have a massive stack of homework. Next week I have to give an hour-long presentation and hand in the first version of my text edition + introduction, and I hardly have any time to work on all that this weekend. How I'm going to get all of it done in time is beyond me right now.
/end rant
*extra big comforting hug* I hope you'll feel better soon.
In regards of not having enough time. I can completely understand. I wonder why it is always before Christmas that things stack up so much. But at least there will be some free days soon.
moonshineshadow: *extra big comforting hug* I hope you'll feel better soon.
In regards of not having enough time. I can completely understand. I wonder why it is always before Christmas that things stack up so much. But at least there will be some free days soon.
*thank you hug*

I know I'll manage somehow in the end, but things like this really wear me down. I guess I'll forgo some sleep to get it all done. :P You're right about things stacking up just before Christmas. Somehow there's always that end of the year rush to get everything done before the holiday.
FearfulSymmetry: /end rant
*Extra-big comfort hug*
How's the finger doing? Hopefully it's not too serious?
AgentBirdnest: *Extra-big comfort hug*
How's the finger doing? Hopefully it's not too serious?
I managed to give myself a blood blister, so it's kind of painful and looks nasty, but it should be fine by itself in a few days, I think.

*thank you hug*
FearfulSymmetry: I managed to give myself a blood blister, so it's kind of painful and looks nasty, but it should be fine by itself in a few days, I think.

*thank you hug*
Urgh... still no fun :-\ Especially when you have to deal with everything else.
I hope all the crazy stress calms down... and In the meantime... **puts on "Team Fearful™" shirt to show my support**, and feel free to yell at me if it helps :-p
AgentBirdnest: Urgh... still no fun :-\ Especially when you have to deal with everything else.
I hope all the crazy stress calms down... and In the meantime... **puts on "Team Fearful™" shirt to show my support**, and feel free to yell at me if it helps :-p
Yep, that's definitely true. :P

Thank you very much, I just needed to vent my frustration somewhere. And don't worry, I don't tend to yell at people when I'm stressed out. Outside my head, that is. I admit to screaming a Darth Vader 'noooooooooooo!' inside my head when I realized I'd gone to the university for nothing. :P

*admires Team Fearful shirt*
AgentBirdnest: ...and feel free to yell at me if it helps :-p

Oh, wait, maybe that wasn't an open invitation. Apologies. ;)

*Comforting, sleepy hugs all around*
FearfulSymmetry: Yep, that's definitely true. :P

Thank you very much, I just needed to vent my frustration somewhere. And don't worry, I don't tend to yell at people when I'm stressed out. Outside my head, that is. I admit to screaming a Darth Vader 'noooooooooooo!' inside my head when I realized I'd gone to the university for nothing. :P

*admires Team Fearful shirt*
I'm not much of a yeller myself (unless someone brings up Columbus, then I will go apesh*t >:-|)... I've tried it a couple times to relieve stress, and it only makes me feel worse...

*turning lights off to show that the words "Team Fearful" glow in the dark* ;-)

Oh, wait, maybe that wasn't an open invitation. Apologies. ;)

*Comforting, sleepy hugs all around*
Hihihi :-D

If it helps, go on :-) Good morning, Akh. Hope you are doing well. *big hug*
Post edited December 10, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
Hey again, thread :)
**Big hugs with capuccino**
Empress_Owl: Hey again, thread :)
**Big hugs with capuccino**
*morning greeting to Owl*